Dimitri Van Neck
Full professor (WE05) +32 (0)9 264 65 57 Tech Lane Ghent Science Park, Campus Ardoyen Technologiepark 46, 9052 Zwijnaarde, Belgium Office n°018 |
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Go to A1 Publications / Other Publications / Invited talks / Conference talks / Posters / Funding
Three-Legged Tree Tensor Networks with SU(2) and Molecular Point Group Symmetry , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 15, 2996-3007 , 2019 , IF: 5.399 , 5/37 [Q1]
T3NS: Three-Legged Tree Tensor Network States , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation , 14 (4), pp 2026–2033 , 2018 , IF: 5.245 , 4/35 [Q1]
Method for making 2-electron response reduced density matrices approximately N-representable , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 148, 8, 084104 , 2018 , IF: 2.965 , 10/35[Q2]
Variational method for integrability-breaking Richardson-Gaudin models , , Physical Review B , 96, 155149 , 2017
Block product density matrix embedding theory for strongly correlated spin systems , , Physical Review B , 95, 195127 , 2017 , IF: 3.836 , 18/67 [Q2]
Atom and Bond Fukui Functions and Matrices: A Hirshfeld-I Atoms-in-Molecule Approach , , ChemPhysChem , 17 (18), 2881–2889 , 2016 , IF: 3.138 , 8/35 [Q1]
Performance of Shannon-entropy compacted N-electron wave functions for configuration interaction methods , , Theoretical Chemistry Accounts , 135 (6), 153 , 2016 , IF: 1.806 , 92/144 [Q3]
Read-Green resonances in a topological superconductor coupled to a bath , , Physical Review B , 93 (22), 220503 , 2016 , IF: 3.718 , 16/67 [Q1]
Read-Green resonances in a topological superconductor coupled to a bath , , Physical Review B , 93 (22) 220503(R) , 2016 , IF: 3.718 , 16/67 [Q1]
DMRG-CASPT2 study of the longitudinal static second hyperpolarizability of all-trans polyenes , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 145 (5), 054120 , 2016 , IF: 2.894 , 9/35 [Q2]
Maximum probability domains for Hubbard models , , Molecular Physics , 114 (7-8), 1392-1405 , 2016 , IF: 1.837 , 20/35 [Q1]
Glide of dislocations in < 1 1 1 >{321} slip system: an atomistic study , , Philosophical Magazine , 96 (1), 71-83 , 2016 , IF: 1.632 , 17/73 [Q1]
PPV Polymerization via the Gilch Route: Diradical Character of Monomers , , Chemistry - A European Journal , 21, 19176-19185 , 2015 , IF: 5.771 , 24/163 [Q1]
Eigenvalue-based determinants for scalar products and form factors in Richardson–Gaudin integrable models coupled to a bosonic mode , , Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical , 48 (42), 425201 , 2015 , IF: 1.933 , 11/53 [Q1]
Variational optimization of the second order density matrix corresponding to a seniority-zero configuration interaction wave function , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 11 (9), 4064–4076 , 2015 , IF: 5.301 , 5/35 [Q1]
Polynomial scaling approximations and Dynamic Correlation Corrections to Doubly Occupied Configuration Interaction wave functions , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 143 (10), 104106 , 2015 , IF: 2.894 , 9/35 [Q2]
Energetic stability of solute-carbon-vacancy complexes in bcc iron , , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms , 352, 47-50 , 2015 , IF: 1.389 , 5/32 [Q1]
Eigenvalue-based method and form-factor determinant representations for integrable XXZ Richardson-Gaudin models , , Physical Review B , 91 (15), 155102 , 2015 , IF: 3.718 , 16/67 [Q1]
CheMPS2: Improved DMRG-SCF routine and correlation functions , , Computer Physics Communications , 191, 235-237 , 2015 , IF: 3.635 , 1/53 [Q1]
A hybrid configuration interaction treatment based on seniority number and excitation schemes , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 141 (24), 244118 , 2014 , IF: 2.952 , 8/34 [Q1]
Non-Variational Orbital Optimization Techniques for the AP1roG Wave Function , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 10 (11), 4873-4882 , 2014 , IF: 5.498 , 5/34 [Q1]
The density matrix renormalization group for ab initio quantum chemistry , , European Physical Journal D , 68 (9), 272 , 2014 , IF: 1.228 , 52/86 [Q3]
Interaction of carbon-vacancy complex with minor alloying elements of ferritic steels , , Journal of Nuclear Materials , 451 (1-3), 82-87 , 2014 , IF: 1.865 , 2/34 [Q1]
Synergetic Effects of Mn and Si in the Interaction with Point Defects in bcc Fe , , Journal of Nuclear Materials , 455 (1-3), 5-9 , 2014 , IF: 1.865 , 2/34 [Q1]
Dislocation mechanism of deuterium retention in tungsten under plasma implantation , , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 26, 395001 , 2014 , IF: 2.346 , 20/67 [Q2]
Review of many-body central force potentials for tungsten , , Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering , 22, 053001 , 2014 , IF: 2.167 , 77/259 [Q2]
Communication: DMRG-SCF study of the singlet, triplet, and quintet states of oxo-Mn(Salen) , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 140, 241103 , 2014 , IF: 2.952 , 8/34 [Q1]
Projector quantum Monte Carlo with matrix product states , , Physical Review B , 90, 045104 , 2014 , IF: 3.736 , 14/67 [Q1]
Projected seniority-two orbital optimization of the antisymmetric product of one-reference orbital geminal , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 140 (21), 214114 , 2014 , IF: 2.952 , 8/34 [Q1]
CheMPS2: a free open-source spin-adapted implementation of the density matrix renormalization group for ab initio quantum chemistry , , Computer Physics Communications , 185 (6), 1501-1514 , 2014 , IF: 3.112 , 1/54 [Q1]
Simple and inexpensive perturbative correction schemes for antisymmetric products of nonorthogonal geminals , , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) , 16 (11), 5061-5065 , 2014 , IF: 4.493 , 6/34 [Q1]
Efficient description of strongly correlated electrons with mean-field cost , , Physical Review B , 89 (20), 201106 , 2014 , IF: 3.736 , 14/67 [Q1]
Exact solution of the p(x) + ip(y) pairing Hamiltonian by deforming the pairing algebra , , Physical Review B , 89, 155136 , 2014 , IF: 3.736 , 14/67 [Q1]
The influence of orbital rotation on the energy of closed-shell wavefunctions , , Molecular Physics , 112 (5-6), 853-862 , 2014 , IF: 1.720 , 18/34 [Q3]
Variational optimization of the 2DM: approaching three-index accuracy using extended cluster constraints , , European Physical Journal B , 87(3), 59 , 2014 , IF: 1.345 , 44/67 [Q3]
Interaction of minor alloying elements of high-Cr ferritic steels with lattice defects: An ab initio study , , Journal of Nuclear Materials , 444 (1-3), 237-246 , 2014 , IF: 1.865 , 2/34 [Q1]
Linear response theory for the density matrix renormalization group: Efficient algorithms for strongly correlated excited states , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 140 (2), 024108 , 2014 , IF: 2.952 , 8/34 [Q1]
Thouless theorem for matrix product states and subsequent post density matrix renormalization group methods , , Physical Review B , 88, 075122 , 2013 , IF: 3.664 , 14/67 [Q1]
A New Mean-Field Method Suitable for Strongly Correlated Electrons: Computationally Facile Antisymmetric Products of Nonorthogonal Geminals , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 9 (3), 1394-1401 , 2013 , IF: 5.310 , 3/33 [Q1]
The sharp-G N-representability condition , , Computational and Theoretical Chemistry , 1003 (2013), 32-36 , 2013 , IF: 1.368 , 96/136 [Q3]
Perturbations on the superconducting state of metallic nanoparticles: influence of geometry and impurities , , The European Physical Journal D , 67 (2013), 14 , 2013
A size-consistent approach to strongly correlated systems using a generalized antisymmetrized product of nonorthogonal geminals , , Computational and Theoretical Chemistry , 1003 (2013), 101-113 , 2013 , IF: 1.368 , 96/136 [Q3]
Extended random phase approximation method for atomic excitation energies from correlated and variationally optimized second-order density matrices , , Computational and Theoretical Chemistry , 1003 (2013), 50-54 , 2013 , IF: 1.368 , 96/136 [Q4]
Extensive v2DM study of the one-dimensional Hubbard model for large lattice sizes: Exploiting translational invariance and parity , , Computational and Theoretical Chemistry , 1003 (2013), 12-21 , 2013 , IF: 1.368 , 96/136 [Q3]
On the thermal stability of vacancy–carbon complexes in alpha iron , , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 24, 385401 , 2012 , IF: 2.355 , 20/68 [Q2]
Self-consistent methods constrained to a fixed number of particles in a given fragment and its relation to the electronegativity equalization method , , Theoretical Chemistry Accounts , 131(6), 1227 , 2012 , IF: 2.233 , 62/134 [Q2]
Variational two-particle density matrix calculation for the Hubbard model below half filling using spin-adapted lifting conditions , , Physical Review Letters , 108 (21), 213001 , 2012 , IF: 7.943 , 5/83 [Q1]
Longitudinal static optical properties of hydrogen chains: finite field extrapolations of matrix product state calculations , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 136, 134110 , 2012 , IF: 3.164 , 8/34 [Q1]
Influence of electron correlation and degeneracy on the Fukui matrix and extension of frontier molecular orbital theory to correlated quantum chemical methods , , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) , 14, 2408-2416 , 2012 , IF: 3.829 , 6/34 [Q1]
Stockholder Projector Analysis: a Hilbert-space partitioning of the molecular one-electron density matrix with orthogonal projectors , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 136, 014107 , 2012 , IF: 3.164 , 8/34 [Q1]
Considerations on describing non-singlet spin states in variational second order density matrix methods , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 136, 014110 , 2012 , IF: 3.164 , 8/34 [Q1]
Accuracy of the Faddeev random phase approximation for light atoms , , Physical Review A , 85 (1) 012501 , 2012 , IF: 3.042 , 7/79 [Q1]
Fast density matrix-based partitioning of the energy over the atoms in a molecule consistent with the hirshfeld-I partitioning of the electron density , , Journal of Computational Chemistry , 32 (16), 3485–3496 , 2011 , IF: 4.583 , 25/152 [Q1]
Variational density matrix optimization using semidefinite programming , , Computer Physics Communications , 182 (9), 2025-2028 , 2011 , IF: 3.268 , 2/55 [Q1]
Faddeev random phase approximation for molecules , , Computer Physics Communications , 182 (9) 1995-1998 , 2011 , IF: 3.268 , 2/55 [Q1]
A primal-dual semidefinite programming algorithm tailored to the variational determination of the two-body density matrix , , Computer Physics Communications , 182 (6), 1235-1244 , 2011 , IF: 3.268 , 2/55 [Q1]
The significance of parameters in charge equilibration models , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 7 (6), 1750-1764 , 2011 , IF: 5.215 , 2/32 [Q1]
Faddeev random-phase approximation for molecules , , Physical Review A , 83, 042517 , 2011 , IF: 2.878 , 8/77 [Q1]
Atomic Velocity Projection Method: A New Analysis Method for Vibrational Spectra in Terms of Internal Coordinates for a Better Understanding of Zeolite Nanogrowth , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 7, 1045-1061 , 2011 , IF: 5.215 , 2/32 [Q1]
Variational second order density matrix study of F3−: Importance of subspace constraints for size-consistency , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 134, 054115 , 2011 , IF: 3.333 , 7/32 [Q1]
A self-consistent Hirshfeld method for the atom in the molecule based on minimization of information loss , , Journal of Computational Chemistry , 32, 1561-1567 , 2011 , IF: 4.583 , 25/152 [Q1]
Efficient Calculation of QM/MM Frequencies with the Mobile Block Hessian , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 7 (2), 496–514 , 2011 , IF: 5.215 , 2/32 [Q1]
Partitioning of the molecular density matrix over atoms and bonds , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 132, 164111 , 2010 , IF: 2.921 , 7/33 [Q1]
Nonlocal extension of the dispersive optical model to describe data below the Fermi energy , , Physical Review C , 82, 054306 , 2010 , IF: 3.416 , 3/21 [Q1]
Comparative study of various normal mode analysis techniques based on partial Hessians , , Journal of Computational Chemistry , 31 (5), 994-1007 , 2010 , IF: 4.050 , 28/147 [Q1]
Communication: Hilbert-space partitioning of the molecular one-electron density matrix with orthogonal projectors , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 133, 231103 , 2010 , IF: 2.920 , 7/33 [Q1]
Chemical verification of variational second-order density matrix based potential energy surfaces for the N2 isoelectronic series , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 132, 114112 , 2010 , IF: 2.920 , 7/33 [Q1]
Electron penetration into the nucleus and its effect on the quadrupole interaction , , Physical Review A , 81, 032507 , 2010 , IF: 2.861 , 9/78 [Q1]
Subsystem constraints in variational second order density matrix optimization: Curing the dissociative behavior , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 132, 114113 , 2010 , IF: 2.920 , 7/33 [Q1]
Incorrect diatomic dissociation in variational reduced density matrix theory arises from the flawed description of fractionally charged atoms , , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) , 11 (27), 5558-5560 , 2009 , IF: 4.116
Comparison of the Hirshfeld-I and iterated stockholder atoms in molecules schemes , , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) , 11 (18), 3424-3429 , 2009 , IF: 4.116
Normal modes for large molecules with arbitrary link constraints in the mobile block Hessian approach , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 130 (8), 084107 , 2009 , IF: 3.093 , 6/33 [Q1]
Ab-initio Green's Functions Calculations of Atoms , , AIP Conference Proceedings , 1120, 104-108 , 2009
Variational determination of the second-order density matrix for the isoelectronic series of beryllium, neon, and silicon , , Physical Review A , 80 (3), 032508 , 2009 , IF: 2.866
Exact ionization potentials from wavefunction asymptotics: The extended Koopmans’ theorem, revisited , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 130 (19), 194104 , 2009 , IF: 3.093
Early stages of α-α′ phase separation in Fe-Cr alloys: An atomistic study , , Physical Review B , 79 (10), 104207 , 2009 , IF: 3.475
Mobile Block Hessian Approach with Adjoined Blocks: An Efficient Approach for the Calculation of Frequencies in Macromolecules , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 5 (5), 1203-1215 , 2009 , IF: 4.804 , 2/33 [Q1]
Calculating Reaction Rates with Partial Hessians: Validation of the Mobile Block Hessian Approach , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 4 (4) 614-625 , 2008 , IF: 4.274 , [Q1]
The Gradient Curves Method: An Improved Strategy for the Derivation of Molecular Mechanics Valence Force Fields from ab Initio Data , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 3 (4), 1420–1434 , 2007 , IF: 4.308
Cartesian formulation of the mobile block Hessian approach to vibrational analysis in partially optimized systems , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 127 (16), 164108 , 2007 , IF: 3.044
Vibrational Modes in partially optimized molecular systems , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 126 (22), 224102 , 2007 , IF: 3.044
Characterization of the electron propagator with a GW-like self-energy in closed-shell atoms , , Physical Review A , 74 (6), 062503 , 2006 , IF: 3.047
An extended hindered-rotor model with incorporation of Coriolis and vibrational-rotational coupling for calculating partition functions and derived quantities , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 124 (4), 044314 , 2006 , IF: 3.166
Quasiparticle properties in a density-functional framework , , Physical Review A , 74 (4), 042501 , 2006 , IF: 3.047
Why does the uncoupled hindered rotor model work well for the thermodynamics of n-alkanes? , , Chemical Physics Letters , 402 (4-6), 479 - 484 , 2005 , IF: 2.438
Spectral functions in an exactly solvable self-bound A-body system , , Physical Review C , 72 (5), 054318 , 2005 , IF: 3.610
Discrete approach to self-consistent GW calculations in an electron gas , , Physical Review B , 71 (24),245122 , 2005 , IF: 3.185
Saturation of Nuclear Matter and Short-Range Correlations , , Physical Review Letters , 90 (15), 152501 , 2003 , IF: 7.035
Ab initio study on elementary radical reactions in coke formation , , International Journal of Quantum Chemistry , 91(3), 384-388 , 2003 , IF: 1.171
Electromagnetic interaction in chiral quantum hadrodynamics and decay of vector and axial-vector mesons , , Physical Review C , 67 (1), 015207 , 2003 , IF: 2.708
Nuclear symmetry energy and the neutron skin in neutron-rich nuclei , , Physical Review C , 68(6), 064307 , 2003 , IF: 2.708
Self-consistent solution of Dyson's equation up to second order for closed- and open-shell atomic systems , , International Journal of Quantum Chemistry , 91 (2), 113-118 , 2003 , IF: 1.171
Algorithm to derive exact exchange-correlation potentials from correlated densities in atoms , , Physical Review A , 67 (1), 012505 , 2003 , IF: 2.589
Effects of self-consistency in a Green’s function description of saturation in nuclear matter , , Physical Review C , 65(5), 054316 , 2002
Ab Initio Study of Radical Reactions: Role of Coupled Internal Rotations on the Reaction Kinetics (III) , , Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 106 (38), 8945-8950 , 2002 , IF: 2.765
Compton Scattering on the Proton and Light Nuclei in the \Delta-Resonance Region , , Acta Physica Polonica B , 33(3), 847-871 , 2002
Self-consistent solution of Dyson's equation up to second order for closed- and open-shell atomic systems , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 117(9), 4095-4105 , 2002
Maximum occupation number for composite boson states , , Modern Physics Letters A (MPLA) , 17 (29), 1899-1907 , 2002
Ab Initio Study of Radical Reactions: Cyclization Pathways for the Butylbenzene Radical (II) , , Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 105 (32), 7713–7723 , 2001 , IF: 2.630
Self-consistent solution of Dyson’s equation up to second order for atomic systems , , Journal of Chemical Physics , 115 (1), 15-25 , 2001
Short-range correlations in muclear matter using Green's functions within a discrete pole approximation , , Physics Letters B , 510 (1-4), 89-97 , 2001
Coherent Compton scattering on light nuclei in the Δ-resonance region , , Physical Review C , 65 (1), 014613 , 2001
v-representability of one-body density matrices , , Physical Review A , 64 (4), 042512 , 2001 , IF: 2.810
Improved lower bounds for the ground-state energy of many-body systems , , Physical Review A , 63, 062107 , 2001
Reply to "Comment on "Radiative proton-deuteron capture in a gauge invariant relativistic model" , , Physical Review C , 63 (1), 019802 , 2001
Ab initio study of radical addition reactions: Addition of a primary ethylbenzene radical to ethene (I) , , Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 104 (46), 10939–10950 , 2000 , IF: 2.754
Non CMM publications (A1)
Radiative proton-deuteron capture in a gauge invariant relativistic model , , Physical Review C , 59 (4), 1890-1905 , 1999
Correlation effects in single-particle overlap functions and one-nucleon removal reactions , , Physical Review C , 60 (2), 024312 , 1999
Relationships between two-particle overlap functions and the two-body density matrix for many-fermion systems , , Physical Review C , 59 (2), 722-725 , 1999
Radial Dependence of the Nucleon Effective Mass in 10B , , Physical Review Letters , 80 (18), 3924-3927 , 1998
Production of e+ e− pairs in proton-deuteron capture to 3He , , Physics Letters B , 441 (1-4), 17-26 , 1998
Investigation of the 10B(γ,p) reaction using tagged photons , , Physical Review C , 58 (2), 981-986 , 1998
Center-of-mass effects on the quasihole spectroscopic factors in the 16O(e,e′p) reaction , , Physical Review C , 57 (5), 2308-2315 , 1998
Nuclear overlap functions determined by the asymptotic behavior of the one-body density matrix , , Physical Review C , 56 (3), 1398-1409 , 1997
Nucleon-nucleon correlations and the Coulomb Displacement Energy , , Heavy Ion Physics , 6 (1-4), 29-36 , 1997
Long-range correlations in finite nuclei: comparison of two self-consistent treatments , , Physics Letters B , 396, 7-14 , 1997
Single-particle properties in an exactly solvable $A$-body system , , Zeitschrift für Physik , 355 (2), 107-109 , 1996
The mass-dependence of meson-exchange currents in the reaction (gamma,p) , , Physics Letters B , 389 (3), 470-474 , 1996
Low-energy theorems for virtual nucleon-nucleon bremssrahlung; formalism and results , , Nuclear Physics A , 602 (3-4), 423-448 , 1996
Natural orbitals, overlap functions, and mean-field orbitals in an exactly solvable A-body system , , Physical Review C , 53 (5), 2231-2242 , 1996
Pion and photon induced reactions on the nucleon in a unitary model , , Physics Letters B , 384 (1-4), 13-19 , 1996
Spectral function for finite nuclei in the local-density approximation , , Physical Review C , 51 (4), 1800-1808 , 1995
Dilepton production from virtual bremsstrahlung induced by proton capture , , Nuclear Physics A , 574 (4), 643-658 , 1994
Proton hole states in 208Pb, studied by means of a self-consistent solution of the second-order Dyson equation for single-particle propagators , , Nuclear Physics A , 563 (1), 1-20 , 1993
Fragmentation of single-particle strength in spherical open-shell nuclei: Application to the spectral functions in 142Nd , , Nuclear Physics A , 551 (2), 210-240 , 1993
On the relationship between single-particle overlap functions, natural orbitals and the one-body density matrix for many-fermion systems , , Physics Letters B , 314 (3-4), 255-259 , 1993
Electron-induced proton knock-out from 30Si, 31P and 32S , , Nuclear Physics A , 547 (3), 519-541 , 1992
Self-consistent solution of the second-order Dyson equation for single-particle propagators, with application to the spectral functions of 48Ca , , Nuclear Physics A , 530 (2), 347-369 , 1991
Proton spectral functions for the hole states in 89Y using a self-consistent microscopic formalism , , Physics Letters B , 249 (2), 157-162 , 1990
Coincidence 58Ni(e, e′pi) cross sections at moderate energy and momentum transfer , , Nuclear Physics A , 505 (3-4), 755-778 , 1989
(e, e' p) study of the continuum of 58Ni above the giant resonance re , , Physics Letters B , 228 (1), 31-36 , 1989
Quasi-elastic 16O(e, e′ p) cross sections in a self-consistent microscopic model , , Physics Letters B , 216 (3-4), 252-256 , 1989
Aspects of the final-state interaction and long-range correlations in quasi-elastic (e, e′p) and (e, e′n) reactions , , Nuclear Physics A , 503 (3-4), 694-722 , 1989
On the separation between the longitudinal and transverse strength in quasi-elastic (e, e′p) reactions , , Physics Letters B , 222 (2), 183-187 , 1989
A2 publications
Nuclear equation of state and the structure of neutron stars , , Nato Science series: Superdense QCD Matter and Compact Stars , 20 (1), 1742-6588 | ISSN 1742-6588 (Print) ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 2006
B publications
Many-Body Theory Exposed! Propagator Description of Quantum Mechanics in Many-Body Systems , , World Scientific Publishing Company , ISBN 978-9812813794 , 2006
P1 publications
The Dicke model as the contraction limit of a pseudo-deformed Richardson-Gaudin model , , Journal of Physics Conference Series , 597, UNSP 012025 , 2015
Normal mode analysis of macromolecular systems with the mobile block Hessian method , , AIP Conference Proceedings , 1642 (2015), 559 , 2015
Probing pairing correlations in Sn isotopes using Richardson-Gaudin integrability , , Journal of Physics: Conference series , 533, 012058 , 2014
The Gradient Curves Method: An improved strategy for the derivation of molecular mechanics valence force fields from ab initio data , , LECTURE SERIES ON COMPUTER AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES , Volume 7A-B, page 576 -+ , 2006
Invited talk
Richardson-Gaudin models and topological superconductivity , , Q-Top: Quantum and Topological Matter meeting , Leiden University, The Netherlands , vr, 03/02/2017 2016
Invited talk
Richardson-Gaudin models: What can we learn from (breaking) symmetry? , , Institute of Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands , wo, 23/11/2016 Invited talk
Richardson-Gaudin models: What can we learn from (breaking) symmetry? , , Institut de Recherche en Mathématique et Physique , Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium , wo, 12/10/2016 2015
Invited talk
N-representability conditions on the three-particle density matrix constrained to wave functions of the DOCI class , , Workshop on Quantum Marginals and Numerical Ranges , Guelph, Canada , ma, 17/08/2015 t/m vr, 21/08/2015 2014
Invited talk
Segregation-induced embrittlement in RPV steels: assessment by atomistic simulations , , 8th ENEN PhD Event 2014 , Burgos, Spain , wo, 09/07/2014 t/m do, 10/07/2014 2011
Invited talk
Nonstandard N-representability constraints and their application to chemical and physical systems , , ACS Fall Meeting, Symposium on Reduced Density Matrices in Quantum Chemistry and Physics , Denver, USA , zo, 28/08/2011 t/m do, 01/09/2011 2002
Invited talk
Kinetics of 1-hexene isomerization with methane sulphonic acid from first principles , , Eurokin meeting , Terneuzen, The Netherlands , ma, 25/11/2002 2016
Read-Green resonances in an integrable superconductor coupled to a bath , , XXIVth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries (ISQS-24) , Prague, Czech Republic , di, 14/06/2016 t/m za, 18/06/2016
When two is better than one: the seniority scheme as a new tool to build wave functions , , QCB12 , Leuven, Belgium , di, 16/02/2016
Computational insight into the polymerization of conjugated electroluminescent polymer PPV: Diradical character of monomers and dimers , , 250th ACS National Meeting & Exposition - Division of Catalysis Science and Technology (CATL) , Boston, MA, USA , zo, 16/08/2015 t/m do, 20/08/2015
Integrable Dicke and Jaynes-Cummings models, and extensions , , XXXth International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics , Ghent, Belgium , 27 , di, 14/07/2015 t/m za, 18/07/2015
A mechanistic investigation of the manganese-salen epoxidation , , 15th International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Catalysis (ICTAC15) , London, United Kingdom , ma, 30/06/2014 t/m vr, 04/07/2014
Unraveling the mechanism of the manganese-salen epoxidation , , XVth Netherlands' Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC XV) , Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands , ma, 10/03/2014 t/m wo, 12/03/2014
Ab initio study of synergetic effects of Mn and Si in the interaction with point defects in BCC Fe , , 5th Workshop on Nuclear Fe Alloys (n-FAME) , Rome, Italy , do, 28/11/2013 t/m vr, 29/11/2013
Richardson-Gaudin Integrable Systems (and Beyond) for Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems , , MQM 2013 , Lugano, Switzerland , zo, 02/06/2013 t/m vr, 07/06/2013
Variational optimization of second order density matrices: the past, the present and the future , , DFTM2012 , Ghent Univeristy, Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium , O10 , zo, 01/04/2012 t/m vr, 06/04/2012
Efficient calculation of QM/MM frequencies with the Mobile Block Hessian method , , North American Meeting on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (NAMIAM) , Huatulco, Mexico , ma, 06/12/2010 t/m za, 11/12/2010
Electron penetration into the nucleus and its effect on the quadrupole interaction , , 3rd Joint International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and International Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions , CERN, Geneva, Switzerland , ma, 13/09/2010 t/m vr, 17/09/2010
Normal mode analysis of macromolecular systems with the Mobile Block Hessian method , , International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2009) , Rhodos, Greece di, 29/09/2009 t/m zo, 04/10/2009
4 pages
Variational Reduced Density Matrix Theory: Successes and Failures , , Seventh Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference (CCCC7) , Dalhousie, Canada , ma, 20/07/2009 t/m vr, 24/07/2009
Dissociation curves from variational second order density matrices: an Atoms in Molecules perspective , , 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference , Hamilton, Canada , za, 30/05/2009 t/m vr, 05/06/2009
New force-field models for biporous zeolites with guest molecules , , Advanced micro- and mesoporous materials , Varna, Bulgaria , do, 06/09/2007 t/m zo, 09/09/2007
New methods in force-field development , , VIIth Netherlands' Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC VII) , Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands , ma, 05/03/2007 t/m wo, 07/03/2007
New developments in the parameterization of force fields based on ab initio training data , , CECAM Workshop: Computational aspects of building blocks, nucleation, and synthesis of porous materials , Lyon, France , ma, 28/08/2006 t/m do, 31/08/2006
Density functional theory for quasiparticle properties , , 25th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory , Rila Mountain (Govedartze), Bulgaria , ma, 26/06/2006 t/m za, 01/07/2006
Nuclear matter, neutron matter, symmetry energy: Green's function calculation versus hole-line expansions (Invited) , , ECT-meeting 'Short- and long-range contributions to nuclear binding and saturation' , Trento, Italy , ma, 02/06/2003 t/m za, 07/06/2003
Microscopic Study of exchange-correlation functionals in DFT by using Green's function perturbation techniques , , 223rd ACS National Meeting , Orlando, Florida, US , zo, 07/04/2002 t/m do, 11/04/2002
Tree tensor networks in ab initio quantum chemistry , , Numerical Methods in Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems , Marburg, Germany , ma, 19/02/2018 t/m vr, 23/02/2018
Correlation functions and inner products in integrable Richardson-Gaudin models , , Correlation functions of quantum integrable systems and beyond , Lyon, France , ma, 23/10/2017 t/m do, 26/10/2017
Making 2-electron response reduced density matrices N-representable , , International Summer School in Electronic Structure Theory: Electron Correlation in Physics and Chemistry , Aussois, France , zo, 18/06/2017 t/m za, 01/07/2017
Making 2-electron response reduced density matrices N-representable , , Summer School Modern Wavefunction Methods in Electronic Structure Theory , Gelsenkirchen, Germany , ma, 03/10/2016 t/m za, 08/10/2016
Read-Green resonances in an integrable superconductor coupled to a bath , , ISQS-24 , Prague, Czech Republic , di, 14/06/2016 t/m za, 18/06/2016
Read‐Green resonances in a topological superconductor coupled to a bath , , General Scientific Meeting 2016 of the Belgian Physical Society , Ghent, Belgium , wo, 18/05/2016
Exploring the phase diagram of the p_x + ip_y pairing Hamiltonian by linking the eigenstates to associated bosonic states. , , 30th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics , Ghent, Belgium , ma, 14/07/2014 t/m vr, 18/07/2014
Synergy of interaction between point defects, carbon and typical alloying elements of Fe-based steels , , COSIRES 2014: Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids , Alicante, Spain , zo, 08/06/2014 t/m vr, 13/06/2014
DMRG-SCF study of the singlet, triplet, and quintet states of oxo-Mn(Salen) , , Low-scaling and Unconventional Electronic Structure Techniques Conference , Telluride, CO, USA , zo, 01/06/2014 t/m do, 05/06/2014
Projector quantum Monte Carlo with matrix product states , , Low-scaling and Unconventional Electronic Structure Techniques Conference , Telluride, CO, USA , zo, 01/06/2014 t/m do, 05/06/2014
Synergetic effects of Mn and Si in the interaction with point defects in bcc Fe , , International Conference: Towards Reality in Nanoscale Materials VII , Levi, Finland , ma, 10/02/2014 t/m wo, 12/02/2014
Interpreting the phase diagram of the p_x + ip_y pairing Hamiltonian by deforming the pairing algebra. , , The "March" meeting , Namur, Belgium , do, 21/11/2013 t/m za, 23/11/2013
Reduced Density Matrix Optimization for the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model , , MQM 2013 , Lugano, Switzerland , zo, 02/06/2013 t/m vr, 07/06/2013
Variational Determination of the Two-Particle Reduced Density Matrix on the GPU , , MQM 2013 , Lugano, Switzerland , zo, 02/06/2013 t/m vr, 07/06/2013
Perturbations on the superconducting state of metallic nanoparticles: a canonical Richardson-Gaudin approach , , International symposium on small particles and inorganic clusters XVI , Leuven Belgium , zo, 08/07/2012 t/m vr, 13/07/2012
Longitudinal static optical properties of hydrogen chains: finite field extrapolations of matrix product state calculations , , Networking Tensor Networks: Many-Body Systems and Simulations , Benasque, Spain , ma, 07/05/2012 t/m vr, 18/05/2012
A Khon-Sham-like model for the l-body reduced density matrix from a strongly-correlated reference , , DFTM2012 , Ghent University, Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium , zo, 01/04/2012 t/m vr, 06/04/2012
Three particles constraint as linear inequalities in v2DM optimization , , DFTM2012 , Ghent University, Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium , zo, 01/04/2012 t/m vr, 06/04/2012
Variational density study of the one-dimensional Hubbard model: the need for three-particle constraints , , DFTM2012 , Ghent University, Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium , zo, 01/04/2012 t/m vr, 06/04/2012
Plastic deformation of Fe-Ni-Cr alloys under irradiation: atomic-level study , , Day of the PhD's 2011, SCK-CEN , Mol, Belgium , do, 06/10/2011
Faddeev Random Phase Approximation for Molecules , , ISTCP-VII , Waseda, Japan , vr, 02/09/2011 t/m za, 08/10/2011
Insight into zeolite nanogrowth through the analysis of vibrational spectra in terms of internal coordinates , , FirW PhD symposium 2010 , Ghent Univeristy, Faculty of Engineering, Ghent, Belgium , wo, 01/12/2010
Electron penetration into the nucleus and its effect on the quadrupole interaction , , Psi-k Conference , Berlin, Germany , zo, 12/09/2010 t/m do, 16/09/2010
A new challenge to molecular spectroscopy: The quadrupole shift as a second order correction to the isomer shift , , High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy 2009 , Castellamare di Stabia, Italy , di, 31/08/2010 t/m za, 04/09/2010
Efficient calculation of QM/MM frequencies with the Mobile Block Hessian , , Gordon Research Conference - Computational Chemistry , Les Diablerets, Switzerland , zo, 29/08/2010 t/m vr, 03/09/2010
Ab initio calculations on the enthalpy of formation in the FeCr-system , , CAMD Summer School 2010 , Lyngby, Denmark , za, 14/08/2010 t/m vr, 20/08/2010
Normal mode calculations with the QM/MM full Hessian and the Mobile Block Hessian (MBH) method , , Quantum Chemistry in Belgium 9th edition , Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium , di, 26/01/2010
Chemical implications of variational second-order density matrix theory: study of diatomic molecules along the potential energy curve , , Workshop on Quantum Marginals and Density Matrices , Toronto, Canada , ma, 27/07/2009 t/m vr, 31/07/2009
Normal mode calculations with the QM/MM full Hessian and the Mobile Block Hessian (MBH) method , , 7th Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference , Halifax, Canada , ma, 20/07/2009 t/m vr, 24/07/2009
An efficient approach for the calculation of frequencies in macromolecules , , MolSim 2009 course , Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands , ma, 05/01/2009 t/m vr, 16/01/2009
Normal modes in partially optimized molecular systems , , SimBioMa 2008 , Konstanz, Germany , wo, 02/04/2008 t/m za, 05/04/2008
Normal modes in partially optimized molecular systems , , Doctoral Symposium , Ghent Univeristy, Faculty of Engineering, Ghent, Belgium , wo, 05/12/2007
Normal modes in partially optimized molecular systems , , Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference , Budapest, Hungary , di, 29/05/2007 t/m zo, 03/06/2007
The Dicke model as the contraction limit of a pseudo-deformed Richardson-Gaudin model , , Journal of Physics Conference Series , 597, UNSP 012025 , 2015
Normal mode analysis of macromolecular systems with the mobile block Hessian method , , AIP Conference Proceedings , 1642 (2015), 559 , 2015
Probing pairing correlations in Sn isotopes using Richardson-Gaudin integrability , , Journal of Physics: Conference series , 533, 012058 , 2014
The Gradient Curves Method: An improved strategy for the derivation of molecular mechanics valence force fields from ab initio data , , LECTURE SERIES ON COMPUTER AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES , Volume 7A-B, page 576 -+ , 2006
An extended hindered rotor model involving Coriolis and vibrational-rotational coupling , , DFT2005 , Geneva, Switzerland , zo, 11/09/2005 t/m do, 15/09/2005
Coupling of electrons to RPA excitations in atoms , , DFT2005 , Geneva, Switzerland , zo, 11/09/2005 t/m do, 15/09/2005
A new class of density functionals, based on the energy-dependence of the electronic self-energy , , DFT2005 , Geneva, Switzerland , zo, 11/09/2005 t/m do, 15/09/2005
The Gradient Curves Method: An improved strategy for the derivation of molecular mechanics valence force fields from ab initio data , , 11th International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Catalysis , Berlin, Germany , zo, 11/06/2006 t/m wo, 14/06/2006