S. Vandenhaute
Exploring the black-to-yellow phase transformation mechanism of metal halide perovskites via machine learning potentials
It's all about time: Understanding the impact of coarse graining on accelerated diffusion in nanoporous materials
Investigating adsorption-induced flexibility in metal-organic frameworks using machine learning potentials
Reliably modeling the mechanical stability of MOFs at increasing length scales to unleash their full industrial potential
Conference / event / venue
Oxford, United Kingdom
Tuesday, 4 June, 2019
Reliably modeling the mechanical stability of MOFs at increasing length scales to unleash their full industrial potential
Conference / event / venue
Auckland, New Zealand
Sunday, 9 December, 2018 to Thursday, 13 December, 2018
Towards modeling long-range disorder in MOFs: Development of a computational toolbox to extend the length scale in molecular simulations
Invited talk
Conference / event / venue
CECAM workshop: Multi-scale modelling of flexible and disordered porous materials
Paris, France
Monday, 11 June, 2018 to Wednesday, 13 June, 2018
Constructing accurate coarse-grained force fields by variational minimization: The subtle balance between accuracy and sparseness
Master of Science in Engineering Physics
Sander Vandenhaute
Please refer to my personal page for more information.