J. Jaeken
High-pressure equations of state for iron and the interior structure of super-Earths
Conference / event / venue
European Planetary Science Congress
Cascais, Portugal
Sunday, 7 September, 2014 to Friday, 12 September, 2014
Ab initio prediction of acoustic anisotropy of Fe, Ni and FeNi in the Earth’s inner core
Conference / event / venue
Ab Initio Description of Iron and Steel 2014
Ringberg, Germany
Sunday, 26 October, 2014 to Friday, 31 October, 2014
Predicting the Pb-Bi-Po and Pb-Bi-Te phase diagrams from first principles
Checking the engines: quantitative error bar assessment for DFT-based property predictions
Conference / event / venue
E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting
Lille, France
Monday, 26 May, 2014 to Friday, 30 May, 2014
DFT vs. reality: the error budget
Invited talk
Conference / event / venue
International workshop on computational physics and materials science ("Total energy and force methods")
Lausanne, Switzerland
Thursday, 9 January, 2014 to Saturday, 11 January, 2014
Entropy of the solid state: study of porous materials with phonon and molecular dynamics calculations
The virtual Polonium lab: risk-free predicting properties of Po-containing compounds from first principles
Materials for Energy: The Role of Computational Materials Design
Conference / event / venue
(presenting author K. Lejaeghere), Colloquium Physics and the Energy Challenge
Brussels, Belgium
Saturday, 20 April, 2013
De kern van aardachtige planeten onderzoeken met ab initio moleculaire dynamica
Master of Science in Engineering Physics