E. Pauwels

Schonland ambiguity in the determination of A tensors from angular dependence of ENDOR spectra: application to the stable T1 radical in sucrose single crystals


Conference / event / venue 

Benelux EPR 2008
Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium
Friday, 16 May, 2008

Combined Electron Magnetic Resonance and Density Functional Theory Study of intermediate radicals in X-irradiated beta-D-Fructose single crystals


Conference / event / venue 

Euromar 2008, Magnetic Resonance Conference
St.Petersburg, Russia
Sunday, 6 July, 2008 to Friday, 11 July, 2008

Radicals induced in sucrose single crystals by X-irradiation: unravelling radical formation mechanisms using EMR experiments and DFT calculations


Conference / event / venue 

Radiation Chemistry Conference
Waterville Valley, NH, US
Sunday, 6 July, 2008 to Friday, 11 July, 2008


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