S.M.J. Rogge

Structure–Mechanical Stability Relations of Metal-Organic Frameworks via Machine Learning

P.Z. Moghadam, S.M.J. Rogge, A. Li, C.-M. Chow, J. Wieme, N. Moharrami, M. Aragones-Anglada, G. Conduit, D.A. Gomez-Gualdron, V. Van Speybroeck, D. Fairen-Jimenez
1 (1), 219-234


Assessing the mechanical stability of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is critical to bring these materials to any application. Here, we derive the first interactive map of the structure-mechanical landscape of MOFs by performing a multi-level computational analysis. First, we used high-throughput molecular simulations for 3,385 MOFs containing 41 distinct network topologies. Second, we developed a freely available machine-learning algorithm to automatically predict the mechanical properties of MOFs. For distinct regions of the high-throughput space, in-depth analysis based on in operando molecular dynamics simulations reveals the loss-of-crystallinity pressure within a given topology. The overarching mechanical screening approach presented here reveals the sensitivity on structural parameters such as topology, coordination characteristics and the nature of the building blocks, and paves the way for computational as well as experimental researchers to assess and design MOFs with enhanced mechanical stability to accelerate the translation of MOFs to industrial applications.

Gold Open Access

On the importance of anharmonicities and nuclear quantum effects in modelling the structural properties and thermal expansion of MOF-5

A. Lamaire, J. Wieme, S.M.J. Rogge, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Chemical Physics
150 (9), 094503


In this article, we investigate the influence of anharmonicities and nuclear quantum effects (NQEs) in modelling the structural properties and thermal expansion of the empty MOF-5 metal-organic framework. To introduce NQEs in classical molecular dynamics simulations, two different methodologies are considered, comparing the approximate, but computationally cheap, method of generalised Langevin equation thermostatting to the more advanced, computationally demanding path integral molecular dynamics technique. For both methodologies, similar results were obtained for all the properties under investigation. The structural properties of MOF-5, probed by means of radial distribution functions (RDFs), show some distinct differences with respect to a classical description. Besides a broadening of the RDF peaks under the influence of quantum fluctuations, a different temperature dependence is also observed due to a dominant zero-point energy (ZPE) contribution. For the thermal expansion of MOF-5, by contrast, NQEs appear to be only of secondary importance with respect to an adequate modelling of the anharmonicities of the potential energy surface (PES), as demonstrated by the use of two differently parametrised force fields. Despite the small effect in the temperature dependence of the volume of MOF-5, NQEs do however significantly affect the absolute volume of MOF-5, in which the ZPE resulting from the intertwining of NQEs and anharmonicities plays a crucial role. A sufficiently accurate description of the PES is therefore prerequisite when modelling NQEs.

The impact of lattice vibrations on the macroscopic breathing behavior of MIL-53(Al)

A.E.J. Hoffman, J. Wieme, S.M.J. Rogge, L. Vanduyfhuys, V. Van Speybroeck
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials
234 (7-8), 529-545


The mechanism inducing the breathing in flexible metal-organic frameworks, such as MIL-53(Al), is still not fully understood. Herein, the influence of lattice vibrations on the breathing transition in MIL-53(Al) is investigated to gain insight in this phenomenon. Through solid-state density-functional theory calculations, the volume-dependent IR spectrum is computed together with the volume-frequency relations of all vibrational modes. Furthermore, important thermodynamic properties such as the Helmholtz free energy, the specific heat capacity, the bulk modulus, and the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient are derived via these volume-frequency relations using the quasi-harmonic approximation. The simulations expose a general volume-dependency of the vibrations with wavenumbers above 300 cm−1 due to their localized nature. In contrast, a diverse set of volume-frequency relations are observed for vibrations in the terahertz region (< 300 cm−1) containing the vibrations exhibiting collective behavior. Some terahertz vibrations display large frequency differences over the computed volume range, induced by either repulsion or strain effects, potentially triggering the phase transformation. Finally, the impact of the lattice vibrations on the thermodynamic properties is investigated. This reveals that the closed pore to large pore phase transformation in MIL-53(Al) is mainly facilitated by terahertz vibrations inducing rotations of the organic linker, while the large pore to closed pore phase transformation relies on two framework-specific soft modes.

Gold Open Access

Modeling Gas Adsorption in Flexible Metal–Organic Frameworks via Hybrid Monte Carlo / Molecular Dynamics Schemes

S.M.J. Rogge, R. Goeminne, R. Demuynck, J.J. Gutiérrez-Sevillano, S. Vandenbrande, L. Vanduyfhuys, M. Waroquier, T. Verstraelen, V. Van Speybroeck
Advanced Theory and Simulations
2 (4), 1800177


Herein, a hybrid Monte Carlo (MC)/molecular dynamics (MD) simulation protocol that properly accounts for the extraordinary structural flexibility of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) is developed and validated. This is vital to accurately predict gas adsorption isotherms and guest‐induced flexibility of these materials. First, the performance of three recent models to predict adsorption isotherms and flexibility in MOFs is critically investigated. While these methods succeed in providing qualitative insight in the gas adsorption process in MOFs, their accuracy remains limited as the intrinsic flexibility of these materials is very hard to account for. To overcome this challenge, a hybrid MC/MD simulation protocol that is specifically designed to handle the flexibility of the adsorbent, including the shape flexibility, is introduced, thereby unifying the strengths of the previous models. It is demonstrated that the application of this new protocol to the adsorption of neon, argon, xenon, methane, and carbon dioxide in MIL‐53(Al), a prototypical flexible MOF, substantially decreases the inaccuracy of the obtained adsorption isotherms and predicted guest‐induced flexibility. As a result, this method is ideally suited to rationalize the adsorption performance of flexible nanoporous materials at the molecular level, paving the way for the conscious design of MOFs as industrial adsorbents.

Gold Open Access

Protocol for Identifying Accurate Collective Variables in Enhanced Molecular Dynamics Simulations for the Description of Structural Transformations in Flexible Metal–Organic Frameworks

R. Demuynck, J. Wieme, S.M.J. Rogge, K. Dedecker, L. Vanduyfhuys, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
14 (11), pp 5511–5526


Various kinds of flexibility have been observed in metal–organic frameworks, which may originate from the topology of the material or the presence of flexible ligands. The construction of free energy profiles describing the full dynamical behavior along the phase transition path is challenging since it is not trivial to identify collective variables able to identify all metastable states along the reaction path. In this work, a systematic three-step protocol to uniquely identify the dominant order parameters for structural transformations in flexible metal–organic frameworks and subsequently construct accurate free energy profiles is presented. Methodologically, this protocol is rooted in the time-structure based independent component analysis (tICA), a well-established statistical modeling technique embedded in the Markov state model methodology and often employed to study protein folding, that allows for the identification of the slowest order parameters characterizing the structural transformation. To ensure an unbiased and systematic identification of these order parameters, the tICA decomposition is performed based on information from a prior replica exchange (RE) simulation, as this technique enhances the sampling along all degrees of freedom of the system simultaneously. From this simulation, the tICA procedure extracts the order parameters—often structural parameters—that characterize the slowest transformations in the material. Subsequently, these order parameters are adopted in traditional enhanced sampling methods such as umbrella sampling, thermodynamic integration, and variationally enhanced sampling to construct accurate free energy profiles capturing the flexibility in these nanoporous materials. In this work, the applicability of this tICA-RE protocol is demonstrated by determining the slowest order parameters in both MIL-53(Al) and CAU-13, which exhibit a strongly different type of flexibility. The obtained free energy profiles as a function of this extracted order parameter are furthermore compared to the profiles obtained when adopting less-suited collective variables, indicating the importance of systematically selecting the relevant order parameters to construct accurate free energy profiles for flexible metal–organic frameworks, which is in correspondence with experimental findings. The method succeeds in mapping the full free energy surface in terms of appropriate collective variables for MOFs exhibiting linker flexibility. For CAU-13, we show the decreased stability of the closed pore phase by systematically adding adsorbed xylene molecules in the framework.

Thermodynamic insight into stimuli-responsive behavior of soft porous crystals

L. Vanduyfhuys, S.M.J. Rogge, J. Wieme, S. Vandenbrande, G. Maurin, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck
Nature Communications
9, 1, 204


Knowledge of the thermodynamic potential in terms of the independent variables allows to characterize the macroscopic state of the system. However, in practice, it is difficult to access this potential experimentally due to irreversible transitions that occur between equilibrium states. A showcase example of sudden transitions between (meta)stable equilibrium states is observed for soft porous crystals possessing a network with long-range structural order, which can transform between various states upon external stimuli such as pressure, temperature and guest adsorption. Such phase transformations are typically characterized by large volume changes and may be followed experimentally by monitoring the volume change in terms of certain external triggers. Herein, we present a generalized thermodynamic approach to construct the underlying Helmholtz free energy as a function of the state variables that governs the observed behaviour based on microscopic simulations. This concept allows a unique identification of the conditions under which a material becomes flexible.

Open Access version available at UGent repository
Gold Open Access

The Importance of Cell Shape Sampling To Accurately Predict Flexibility in Metal-Organic Frameworks

S.M.J. Rogge, S. Caroes, R. Demuynck, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck, A. Ghysels
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
14 (3), 1186-1197


In this work, the influence of cell shape sampling on the predicted stability of the different metastable phases in flexible metal–organic frameworks at finite temperatures is investigated. The influence on the free energy by neglecting cell shape sampling is quantified for the prototypical MIL-53(Al) and the topical DUT-49(Cu). This goal is achieved by constructing free energy profiles in ensembles either in which the phase space associated with the cell shape is sampled explicitly or in which the cell shape is kept fixed. When neglecting cell shape sampling, thermodynamic integration of the hydrostatic pressure yields unreliable free energy profiles that depend on the choice of the fixed cell shape. In this work, we extend the thermodynamic integration procedure via the introduction of a generalized pressure, derived from the Lagrangian strain tensor and the second Piola–Kirchhoff tensor. Using this generalized procedure, the dependence on the unit cell shape can be eliminated, and the inaccuracy in free energy stemming from the lack of cell shape sampling can be uniquely quantified. Finally, it is shown that the inaccuracy in free energy when fixing the cell shape at room temperature stems mainly from entropic contributions for both MIL-53(Al) and DUT-49(Cu).

Elucidating the Vibrational Fingerprint of the Flexible Metal-Organic Framework MIL-53(Al) Using a Combined Experimental/Computational Approach

A.E.J. Hoffman, L. Vanduyfhuys, I. Nevjestic, J. Wieme, S.M.J. Rogge, H. Depauw, P. Van der Voort, H. Vrielinck, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
122, 5, 2734-2746


In this work mid-infrared (mid-IR), far-IR, and Raman spectra are presented for the distinct (meta)stable phases of the flexible metal-organic framework MIL-53(Al). Static density functional theory (DFT) simulations are performed allowing for the identification of all IR active modes, which is unprecedented in the low-frequency region. A unique vibrational fingerprint is revealed, resulting from aluminum-oxide backbone stretching modes, which can be used to clearly distinguish the IR spectra of the closed- and large-pore phases. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulations based on a DFT description of the potential energy surface enable to determine the theoretical Raman spectrum of the closed- and large-pore phases for the first time. An excellent correspondence between theory and experiment is observed. Both the low-frequency IR and Raman spectra show major differences in vibrational modes between the closed- and large-pore phases indicating changes in lattice dynamics between the two structures. In addition, several collective modes related to the breathing mechanism in MIL-53(Al) are identified. In particular, we rationalize the importance of the trampoline-like motion of the linker for the phase transition.

Open Access version available at UGent repository
Gold Open Access

Efficient Construction of Free Energy Profiles of Breathing Metal-Organic Frameworks Using Advanced Molecular Dynamics Simulations

R. Demuynck, S.M.J. Rogge, L. Vanduyfhuys, J. Wieme, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC)
13 (12), 5861-5873


In order to reliably predict and understand the breathing behavior of highly flexible metal–organic frameworks from thermodynamic considerations, an accurate estimation of the free energy difference between their different metastable states is a prerequisite. Herein, a variety of free energy estimation methods are thoroughly tested for their ability to construct the free energy profile as a function of the unit cell volume of MIL-53(Al). The methods comprise free energy perturbation, thermodynamic integration, umbrella sampling, metadynamics, and variationally enhanced sampling. A series of molecular dynamics simulations have been performed in the frame of each of the five methods to describe structural transformations in flexible materials with the volume as the collective variable, which offers a unique opportunity to assess their computational efficiency. Subsequently, the most efficient method, umbrella sampling, is used to construct an accurate free energy profile at different temperatures for MIL-53(Al) from first principles at the PBE+D3(BJ) level of theory. This study yields insight into the importance of the different aspects such as entropy contributions and anharmonic contributions on the resulting free energy profile. As such, this thorough study provides unparalleled insight in the thermodynamics of the large structural deformations of flexible materials.

Open Access version available at UGent repository
Gold Open Access

Reliably Modeling the Mechanical Stability of Rigid and Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks

S.M.J. Rogge, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck
Accounts of Chemical Research
51 (1), 138-148


Over the past two decades, metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have matured from interesting academic peculiarities toward a continuously expanding class of hybrid, nanoporous materials tuned for targeted technological applications such as gas storage and heterogeneous catalysis. These oft-times crystalline materials, composed of inorganic moieties interconnected by organic ligands, can be endowed with desired structural and chemical features by judiciously functionalizing or substituting these building blocks. As a result of this reticular synthesis, MOF research is situated at the intriguing intersection between chemistry and physics, and the building block approach could pave the way toward the construction of an almost infinite number of possible crystalline structures, provided that they exhibit stability under the desired operational conditions. However, this enormous potential is largely untapped to date, as MOFs have not yet found a major breakthrough in technological applications. One of the remaining challenges for this scale-up is the densification of MOF powders, which is generally achieved by subjecting the material to a pressurization step. However, application of an external pressure may substantially alter the chemical and physical properties of the material. A reliable theoretical guidance that can presynthetically identify the most stable materials could help overcome this technological challenge.

In this Account, we describe the recent research the progress on computational characterization of the mechanical stability of MOFs. So far, three complementary approaches have been proposed, focusing on different aspects of mechanical stability: (i) the Born stability criteria, (ii) the anisotropy in mechanical moduli such as the Young and shear moduli, and (iii) the pressure-versus-volume equations of state. As these three methods are grounded in distinct computational approaches, it is expected that their accuracy and efficiency will vary. To date, however, it is unclear which set of properties are suited and reliable for a given application, as a comprehensive comparison for a broad variety of MOFs is absent, impeding the widespread use of these theoretical frameworks.

Herein, we fill this gap by critically assessing the performance of the three computational models on a broad set of MOFs that are representative for current applications. These materials encompass the mechanically rigid UiO-66(Zr) and MOF-5(Zn) as well as the flexible MIL-47(V) and MIL-53(Al), which undergo pressure-induced phase transitions. It is observed that the Born stability criteria and pressure-versus-volume equations of state give complementary insight into the macroscopic and microscopic origins of instability, respectively. However, interpretation of the Born stability criteria becomes increasingly difficult when less symmetric materials are considered. Moreover, pressure fluctuations during the simulations hamper their accuracy for flexible materials. In contrast, the pressure-versus-volume equations of state are determined in a thermodynamic ensemble specifically targeted to mitigate the effects of these instantaneous fluctuations, yielding more accurate results. The critical Account presented here paves the way toward a solid computational framework for an extensive presynthetic screening of MOFs to select those that are mechanically stable and can be postsynthetically densified before their use in targeted applications.

Open Access version available at UGent repository
Gold Open Access


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