Computational investigation into the nuclear magnetic resonance properties of zeolite ferrierite S. Vanlommel, A.E.J. Hoffman, V. Van Speybroeck ISBN/ISSN:PosterConference / event / venue MolSim 2021OnlineMonday, 4 January, 2021 to Friday, 15 January, 2021 Read more about Computational investigation into the nuclear magnetic resonance properties of zeolite ferrierite
Characterizing the effect of hydration on nuclear magnetic resonance properties in zeolites S. Vanlommel, A.E.J. Hoffman, S. Smet, S. Radhakrishnan, V.C. Nair, J.A. Martens, E. Breynaert, V. Van Speybroeck ISBN/ISSN:PosterConference / event / venue FEZA 2021OnlineMonday, 5 July, 2021 to Friday, 9 July, 2021 Read more about Characterizing the effect of hydration on nuclear magnetic resonance properties in zeolites
No more randomness: computational NMR to spatially resolve the aluminum distribution in zeolites Read more about No more randomness: computational NMR to spatially resolve the aluminum distribution in zeolites
Computational investigation into the nuclear magnetic resonance properties of zeolite ferrierite S. Vanlommel, A.E.J. Hoffman, V. Van Speybroeck ISBN/ISSN:PosterConference / event / venue Molsim 2021Amsterdam , NL (online) Read more about Computational investigation into the nuclear magnetic resonance properties of zeolite ferrierite
No more randomness: computational NMR to spatially resolve the aluminum distribution in zeolites Read more about No more randomness: computational NMR to spatially resolve the aluminum distribution in zeolites
From a dense to a sponge-like structure at high pressures: unravelling the counter-intuitive behaviour of zinc cyanide S. Vanlommel Master of Science in Engineering Physics2019Supervisors Prof. Dr. ir. Veronique Van Speybroeck Read more about From a dense to a sponge-like structure at high pressures: unravelling the counter-intuitive behaviour of zinc cyanide