S. Cottenier

Lattice position and thermal stability of diluted As in Ge

S. Decoster, U. Wahl, S. Cottenier, J.G. Correia, T. Mendonça, L.M. Amorim, L.M.C. Pereira, A. Vantomme
Journal of Applied Physics
111, 053528


We present a lattice location study of the n-type dopant arsenic after ion implantation into germanium. By means of electron emission channeling experiments, we have observed that the implanted As atoms substitute the Ge host atoms and that, in contrast to several implanted metal impurities in Ge, no significant fraction of As is found on interstitial sites. The substitutional As impurities are found to be thermally stable up to 600 C. After 700 C annealing a strong reduction of emission channeling effects was observed, in full accordance with the expected diffusioninduced broadening of the As profile.

Is the 7/2− 1 isomeric state of 43S spherical?

R. Chevrier, J.M. Daugas, L. Gaudefroy, Y. Ichikawa, H. Ueno, M. Hass, H. Haas, S. Cottenier, N. Aoi, K. Asahi, D.L. Balabanski, N. Fukuda, T. Furukawa, G. Georgiev, H. Hayashi, H. Iijima, N. Inabe, T. Inoue, M. Ishihara, Y. Ishii, D. Kameda, T. Kubo, T. Nanao, G. Neyens, T. Ohnishi, M.M. Rajabali, K. Suzuki, H. Takeda, M. Tsuchiya, N. Vermeulen, H. Watanabe, A. Yoshimi
Physical Review Letters
108 (16), 162501


We report on the spectroscopic quadrupole moment measurement of the 7/21- isomeric state in 1643S27 [E*=320.5(5)  keV, T1/2=415(3)  ns], using the time dependent perturbed angular distribution technique at the RIKEN RIBF facility. Our value, ∣Qs∣=23(3)  efm2, is larger than that expected for a single-particle state. Shell model calculations using the modern SDPF-U interaction for this mass region reproduce remarkably well the measured ∣Qs∣, and show that non-negligible correlations drive the isomeric state away from a purely spherical shape.

Open Access version available at UGent repository

Crystal structure prediction for iron as inner core material in heavy terrestrial planets

S. Cottenier, M.I.J. Probert, T. Van Hoolst, V. Van Speybroeck, M. Waroquier
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
312, 237–242


The relative stability of different crystal structures for pure Fe under applied pressure is calculated from quantum mechanics, using the highly accurate APW+lo method. In the pressure range of 0–100 TPa, we corroborate the prediction that iron adopts subsequently the bcc, hcp, fcc, hcp and bcc structures. In contrast to previous studies, we identify a family of stacking fault structures that are competing with the ground state structure at all pressures. Implications for the properties of the inner core of the Earth and heavy terrestrial exoplanets are discussed.

Spin-density wave in Cr: Nesting versus low-lying thermal excitations

V. Vanhoof, M. Rots, S. Cottenier
Physical Review B
80 (18), 184420


It is well known that present versions of density functional theory do not predict the experimentally observed spin-density wave state to be the ground state of Cr. Recently, a so-called “nodon model” has been proposed as an alternative way to reconcile theory and experiment: the ground state of Cr is truly antiferromagnetic, and the spin-density wave appears due to low-lying thermal excitations (“nodons”). We examine in this paper whether the postulated properties of these nodons are reproduced by ab initio calculations.

Open Access version available at UGent repository

The magnetization of γ′-Fe4N: theory vs. experiment

E.L. Peltzery y Blanca, J. Desimoni, N.E. Christensen, H. Emmerich, S. Cottenier
Physica Status Solidi (b) - Basic Solid State Physics
246 (5), 909-928


By reviewing the experimental and theoretical literature on γ′-Fe4N, and by a systematic survey of predictions by the LDA, PBE, WC, LDA + U (2×), PBE + U (2×) and B3PW91 exchange-correlation functionals, the structural, magnetic and hyperfine properties of this material as well as their pressure dependencies are interpreted. The hypothesis is put forward that γ′-Fe4N as found in Nature is exactly at a steep transition between low-spin and high-spin behaviour. PBE + U (U = 0.4 eV) is identified as the most accurate exchange-correlation functional for this material, although it is needed to fix the magnetization at the experimental value to obtain a satisfying description. Remaining disagreement between theory and experiment is pointed out. A recent experimental claim for a giant magnetic moment in γ′-Fe4N is discussed, and is not reproduced by our calculations. We expect that the new insight obtained in the present work can lead to a consistent ab initio modeling of other materials in the iron-nitrogen binary system. In an accompanying didactic section, the physics behind some common exchange-correlation functionals is outlined. (© 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

Transition Metal Impurities on the Bond-Centered Site in Germanium

S. Decoster, S. Cottenier, B. De Vries, H. Emmerich, U. Wahl, J.G. Correia, A. Vantomme
Physical Review Letters
102 (6), 065502


We report on the lattice location of ion implanted Fe, Cu, and Ag impurities in germanium from a combined approach of emission channeling experiments and ab initio total energy calculations. Following common expectation, a fraction of these transition metals (TMs) was found on the substitutional Ge position. Less expected is the observation of a second fraction on the sixfold coordinated bond-centered site. Ab initio calculated heats of formation suggest this is the result of the trapping of a vacancy by a substitutional TM impurity, spontaneously forming an impurity-vacancy complex in the split-vacancy configuration. We also present an approach to displace the TM impurities from the electrically active substitutional site to the bond-centered site.

Lattice location study of ion implanted Sn and Sn-related defects in Ge

S. Decoster, S. Cottenier, U. Wahl, J.G. Correia, A. Vantomme
Physical Review B
81, 155204


In this work, we present a lattice location study of Sn in Ge. From emission channeling experiments, we determined the exact lattice location of ion implanted 121Sn atoms and compared the results to predictions from density-functional calculations. The majority of the Sn atoms are positioned on the substitutional site, as can be expected for an isovalent impurity, while a second significant fraction occupies the sixfold coordinated bond-centered site, which is stable up to at least 400 °C. Corroborated by ab initio calculations, we attribute this fraction of bond-centered Sn atoms to the Sn-vacancy defect complex in the split-vacancy configuration. Furthermore, we are able to assign specific defect complex geometries to resonances from earlier Mössbauer spectroscopy studies of Sn in Ge.

Electron penetration into the nucleus and its effect on the quadrupole interaction

K. Koch, K. Koepernik, D. Van Neck, H. Rosner, S. Cottenier
Physical Review A
81, 032507


series expansion of the interaction between a nucleus and its surrounding electron distribution provides terms that are well-known in the study of hyperfine interactions: the familiar quadrupole interaction and the less familiar hexadecapole interaction. If the penetration of electrons into the nucleus is taken into account, various corrections to these multipole interactions appear. The best known correction is a scalar term related to the isotope shift and the isomer shift. This paper discusses a related tensor correction, which modifies the quadrupole interaction if electrons penetrate the nucleus: the quadrupole shift. We describe the mathematical formalism and provide first-principles calculations of the quadrupole shift for a large set of solids. Fully relativistic calculations that explicitly take a finite nucleus into account turn out to be mandatory. Our analysis shows that the quadrupole shift becomes appreciably large for heavy elements. Implications for experimental high-precision studies of quadrupole interactions and quadrupole moment ratios are discussed. A literature review of other small quadrupole-like effects is presented as well (pseudoquadrupole effect, isotopologue anomaly, etc.).

Open Access version available at UGent repository

Dynamic lattice distortions in Sr2RuO4: microscopic studies by perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy and ab initio calculations

S.N. Mishra, M. Rots, S. Cottenier
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
22, 385602


Applying time differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, we have investigated possible lattice instabilities in Sr2RuO4 by studying the electric quadrupole interaction of a 111Cd probe at the Ru site. We find evidence for a dynamic lattice distortion, revealed from the observations of: (i) a rapidly fluctuating electric-field gradient (EFG) tensor showing non-Arrhenius relaxation, (ii) an anomalous temperature dependence of the quadrupole interaction frequency, and (iii) a monotonic increase of the EFG asymmetry (η) below 300 K. We argue that the observed dynamic lattice distortion is caused by strong spin fluctuations associated with the inherent magnetic instability in Sr2RuO4.

Diluted manganese on the bond-centered site in germanium

S. Decoster, S. Cottenier, U. Wahl, J.G. Correia, L.M.C. Pereira, C. Lacasta, M.R. Da Silva, A. Vantomme
Applied Physics Letters
97, 151914


The functional properties of Mn-doped Ge depend to large extent on the lattice location of the Mn impurities. Here, we present a lattice location study of implanted diluted Mn by means of electron emission channeling. Surprisingly, in addition to the expected substitutional lattice position, a large fraction of the Mn impurities occupies the bond-centered site. Corroborated by ab initio calculations, the bond-centered Mn is related to Mn-vacancy complexes. These unexpected results call for a reassessment of the theoretical studies on the electrical and magnetic behavior of Mn-doped Ge, hereby including the possible role of Mn-vacancy complexes.

Open Access version available at UGent repository


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