D. Van Neck

Relationships between two-particle overlap functions and the two-body density matrix for many-fermion systems

A.N. Antonov, S.S. Dimitrova, M.V. Stoitsov, D. Van Neck, P. Jeleva
Physical Review C
59 (2), 722-725
Published while none of the authors were employed at the CMM


Relationships are obtained connecting the two-nucleon overlap function of the eigenstates in the (A-2) particle system with the asymptotic behavior of the two-body density matrix for the ground state of the A-particle system. This makes it possible to calculate the two-body overlap functions, spectroscopic factors and separation energies on the basis of a realistic two-body density matrix. The procedure can be used in describing the (e,e′NN) and (γ,NN) reactions where the two-body overlap functions are a key ingredient in the analysis.

Investigation of the 10B(γ,p) reaction using tagged photons

L.J. de Bever, D. Branford, J.-O. Adler, B.-E. Andersson, I. Bobeldijk, T. Davinson, R.S. Hicks, D.G. Ireland, K. Livingston, R.L.J. van der Meer, R.A. Miskimen, D. Van Neck, L. Isaksson, R.D. Page, G.A. Peterson, J. Rahighi, H. Ruijter, B. Schröder, G. van der Steenhoven, P.J. Woods, K. Wang, A.C. Schotter
Physical Review C
58 (2), 981-986
Published while none of the authors were employed at the CMM


The reaction 10B(γ,p) has been studied using tagged photons of mean energies Eγ=57.6 and 72.9 MeV. Angular distributions and derived single-particle momentum distributions for protons leading to the ground state of 9Be and higher excited states are compared to various calculations made using model parameters constrained by 10B(e,e′p)9Be and 9Be(p,p′)9Be measurements. The effects of varying final-state interactions (including channel couplings) and meson exchange currents are considered. A sizable discrepancy between direct-knockout calculations and the experimental results is observed. If meson exchange currents are included in an approximate fashion, a good description of the 10B(γ,p0)9Be data is found.

Radial Dependence of the Nucleon Effective Mass in 10B

L.J. de Bever, H.P. Blok, R.S. Hicks, C.W. De Jager, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, J.J. Kelly, L. Lapikás, R.A. Miskimen, D. Van Neck, G.A. Peterson, G. van der Steenhoven, H. De Vries
Physical Review Letters
80 (18), 3924-3927
Published while none of the authors were employed at the CMM


The dynamic properties of the atomic nucleus depend strongly on correlations between the nucleons. We present a combined analysis of inelastic electron-scattering data and electron-induced proton knockout measurements in an effort to obtain phenomenological information on nucleon-nucleon correlations. Our results indicate that the ratio of radial wave functions extracted from precise 10B(e,e′) and 10B(e,e′p) measurements evolve from an interior depression for small Em, characteristic of short-range correlations, to a surface-peaked enhancement for larger Em, characteristic of long-range correlations. This observation can be interpreted in terms of the nucleon effective mass.

Photon-induced proton knockout from 208Pb and 12C

E.C. Aschenauer, C. Van den Abeele, J.-O. Adler, B.-E. Andersson, L.J. de Bever, I. Bobeldijk, D. Branford, S.A. Bulychjov, T. Davinson, K. Hansen, D.G. Ireland, L. Isaksson, D. Ivanov, D.G. Johnstone, A. Khanov, L. Lapikás, R.A. Lindgren, G. De Meyer, D. Van Neck, B. Nilsson, H. Ruijter, D. Ryckbosch, A. Sandell, A.C. Shotter, B. Schröder, V. Van der Sluys, G. van der Steenhoven, P. Svensson, M.A. van Uden, R.E. Van de Vyver
Nuclear Physics A
615 (1), 33-51
Published while none of the authors were employed at the CMM


Cross sections have been measured for the reactions 208Pb(γ,p) and 12C(γ,p) leading to the low-lying and continuum states in 207Tl and 11B using a high energy-resolution tagged photon beam of 41 to 57 MeV. The data are compared with results obtained with the (e,e′p) reaction in the same recoil-momentum range and with various theoretical calculations. A comparison of the (e,e′p) and (γ,p) data in terms of a reduced cross section versus momentum does not show a systematic overlap of the (e,e′p) and (γ,p) results, i.e. no scaling is observed. Distorted-wave impulse-approximation (DWIA) calculations, of which the input is constrained by the (e,e′p) data, and random-phase approximation calculations (RPA) underestimate the 12C(γ,p) data by typically a factor five depending on angle and missing energy. For 208Pb the difference between the calculations and the data for the low-lying states is much less, but an increasing discrepancy between the data and the calculations is found in the continuum. The inclusion of meson-exchange currents (MEC) brings the calculations for both nuclei on average closer to the data, but MEC effects are considerably less important for 208Pb as compared to 12C. Finally, a remarkable similarity is observed between the continuum response of the (γ,p) and (e,e′p) reactions on 208Pb despite the difference in the electromagnetic couplings involved.

The mass-dependence of meson-exchange currents in the reaction (gamma,p)

E.C. Aschenauer, I. Bobeldijk, D.G. Ireland, L. Lapikás, D. Van Neck, B. Schröder, V. Van der Sluys, G. van der Steenhoven, R.E. Van de Vyver
Physics Letters B
389 (3), 470-474
Published while none of the authors were employed at the CMM


A systematic study of the mass dependence of meson-exchange currents in the reaction (γ,p) has been carried out. This study became possible with the availability of new high resolution (γ,p) data from 12C to 208Pb. In order to determine the relative importance of meson-exchange currents the direct knockout part of the (γ,p) cross section has been constrained by results obtained with the (e,e′p) reaction in similar momentum ranges. It is found that the enhancement of the (γ,p) cross section due to meson-exchange currents reduces by a factor three in going from 12C to 208Pb. This effect is tentatively attributed to the increased importance of higher multipolarities in the description of the coupling to meson exchange currents in heavy nuclei.

Pion and photon induced reactions on the nucleon in a unitary model

O. Scholten, A.Y. Korchin, V. Pascalutsa, D. Van Neck
Physics Letters B
384 (1-4), 13-19
Published while none of the authors were employed at the CMM


We present a relativistic calculation of pion scattering, pion photoproduction and Compton scattering on the nucleon in the energy region of the Δ-resonance (upto 450 MeV photon lab energy), in a unified framework which obeys the unitarity constraint. It is found that the recent data on the cross section for nucleon Compton scattering determine accurately the parameters of the electromagnetic nucleon-Δ coupling. The pion-photoproduction partial-wave amplitudes, calculated with parameters fitted to the pion-nucleon and Compton scattering, agree well with the recent Arndt analysis.

Low-energy theorems for virtual nucleon-nucleon bremssrahlung; formalism and results

A.Y. Korchin, O. Scholten, D. Van Neck
Nuclear Physics A
602 (3-4), 423-448
Published while none of the authors were employed at the CMM


We present results for cross sections and response functions in virtual bremsstrahlung induced by nucleon-nucleon collisions NN → NN + e+e, based on two different low-energy theorems. The first low-energy theorem is a generalization of Low's theorem for real-photon bremsstrahlung. The second low-energy theorem was derived by Liou et al. for real photons, and is generalized here to the case of virtual photons. The two low-energy theorems are compared by calculating the cross section and response functions in the kinematical region of possible future experiments. We find that for most observables the amplitude up to leading order only in the photon energy does not provide a reliable description, and that the next order term is very important. The differences between the two low-energy theorems turn out to be sizeable for pp, but quite small for pn virtual bremsstrahlung. We also pay attention to the correct implementation of the generalized Pauli principle and crossing symmetry which the reaction amplitude must obey.

Spectral function for finite nuclei in the local-density approximation

D. Van Neck, A.E.L. Dieperink, E. Moya de Guerra
Physical Review C
51 (4), 1800-1808
Published while none of the authors were employed at the CMM


The spectral function for finite nuclei is computed within the framework of the local-density approximation, starting from nuclear matter spectral functions obtained with a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction. The spectral function is decomposed into a single-particle part and a ‘‘correlated’’ part; the latter is treated in the local-density approximation. As an application momentum distributions, quasiparticle strengths and overlap functions for valence hole states, and the light-cone momentum distribution in finite nuclei are computed.


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