In this study, density functional theory calculations were used to identify the structure of the radiation-induced radicals in solid state β-d-fructose, using a single molecule approach. Four model radicals were proposed, and the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) parameters were calculated for the optimized geometries. These calculated parameters were subsequently compared with those of two radical species, observed in an experimental EPR and electron nuclear double resonance study on irradiated fructose (Vanhaelewyn, G.; Lahorte, P.; De Proft, F.; Mondelaers, W.; Geerlings, P.; Callens, F. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2001, 3, 1729). On the basis of this preliminary comparison, three model structures were rejected. By varying the main degree of freedom of the remaining model, a number of conformations were obtained that yielded isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine tensor components in close agreement with experimental results. To disentangle between these possible conformers, a detailed study was made of the hyperfine tensor eigenvectors. One conformation was found to be in close agreement with the experimental measurement of the hyperfine tensor of the two observed radical species. It was concluded that these experimental species are in fact manifestations of one and the same radical, with a structure conforming to our model but with slightly altered conformations.