P. Van der Voort

Fine-tuning the theoretically predicted structure of MIL-47(V) with the aid of powder X-ray diffraction

T. Bogaerts, L. Vanduyfhuys, D.E.P. Vanpoucke, J. Wieme, M. Waroquier, P. Van der Voort, V. Van Speybroeck
17, 8612–8622


The structural characterization of complex crystalline materials such as metal organic frameworks can prove a very difficult challenge both for experimentalists as for theoreticians. From theory, the flat potential energy surface of these highly flexible structures often leads to different geometries that are energetically very close to each other. In this work a distinction between various computationally determined structures is made by comparing experimental and theoretically derived X-ray diffractograms which are produced from the materials geometry. The presented approach allows to choose the most appropriate geometry of a MIL-47(V) MOF and even distinguish between different electronic configurations that induce small structural changes. Moreover the techniques presented here are used to verify the applicability of a newly developed force field for this material. The discussed methodology is of significant importance for modelling studies where accurate geometries are crucial, such as mechanical properties and adsorption of guest molecules.

The enantioselectivity of the manganese-salen complex in the epoxidation of unfunctionalized olefins and the influence of grafting

T. Bogaerts, S. Wouters, P. Van der Voort, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
Vol. 406, 106-113


Jacobsen’s complexes are famous for their usability for enantioselective epoxidations. However, the applicability of this catalytic system has been severely limited by several practical problems such as deactivation and separation after reaction. Grafting of Jacobsen-type complexes on solid supports is an attractive way to overcome these problems but led to a decrease in selectivity. A combined theoretical and experimental approach is presented to unravel the factors governing enantioselectivity. The importance of different substituents was determined by analyzing the transition state for the oxygen transfer using the full system as a model. An analysis of the asymmetric complex has shown an inherent tendency for a decreased selectivity due to the lack of specific bulky groups. Experimentally an immobilized Jacobsen catalyst on a metal organic framework (MIL-101) was synthesized which confirms the computational tendencies but the decrease in selectivity is limited, indicating that the MIL-101(Cr) is a suitable carrier for this complex.

Open Access version available at UGent repository



Mechanistic investigation on the oxygen transfer with the manganese-salen complex

T. Bogaerts, S. Wouters, P. Van der Voort, V. Van Speybroeck
7 (17), 2711–2719


The most well-known application of salen complexes is the use of a chiral ligand loaded with manganese to form the Jacobsen complex. This organometallic catalyst is used in the epoxidation of unfunctionalized olefins and can achieve very high selectivities. Although this application was proposed many years ago, the mechanism of oxygen transfer remains a question until now. In this paper, the epoxidation mechanism is investigated by an ab initio kinetic modeling study. First of all a proper DFT functional is selected which yields the correct ordering of the various spin states. Our results show that the epoxidation proceeds via a radical intermediate. Starting from the radical intermediate, these results can explain the experiments with radical probes. The subtle influences in the transition state using the full Jacobsen catalyst explain the experimentally observed product distribution.

Au@UiO-66: a base free oxidation catalyst

K. Leus, P. Concepcion, M. Vandichel, M. Meledina, A. Grirrane, D. Esquivel, S. Turner, D. Poelman, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck, G. Van Tendeloo, H. Garcia, P. Van der Voort
RSC Advances
5 (29), 22334–22342


We present the in situ synthesis of Au nanoparticles within the Zr based Metal Organic Framework, UiO-66. The resulting Au@UiO-66 materials were characterized by means of N2 sorption, XRPD, UV-Vis, XRF, XPS and TEM analysis. The Au nanoparticles (NP) are homogeneously distributed along the UiO-66 host matrix when using NaBH4 or H2 as reducing agents. The Au@UiO-66 materials were evaluated as catalysts in the oxidation of benzyl alcohol and benzyl amine employing O2 as oxidant. The Au@MOF materials exhibit a very high selectivity towards the ketone (up to 100 %). Regenerability and stability tests demonstrate that the Au@UiO-66 catalyst can be recycled with a negligible loss of Au species and no loss of crystallinity. In situ IR measurements of UiO-66 and Au@UiO-66-NaBH4, before and after treatment with alcohol, showed an increase in IR bands that can be assigned to a combination of physisorbed and chemisorbed alcohol species. This was confirmed by velocity power spectra obtained from the molecular dynamics simulations. Active peroxo and oxo species on Au could be visualized with Raman analysis.

Open Access version available at UGent repository

Communication: DMRG-SCF study of the singlet, triplet, and quintet states of oxo-Mn(Salen)

S. Wouters, T. Bogaerts, P. Van der Voort, V. Van Speybroeck, D. Van Neck
Journal of Chemical Physics
140, 241103


We use CheMPS2, our free open-source spin-adapted implementation of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) [S. Wouters, W. Poelmans, P. W. Ayers, and D. Van Neck, Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 1501 (2014)], to study the lowest singlet, triplet, and quintet states of the oxo-Mn(Salen) complex. We describe how an initial approximate DMRG calculation in a large active space around the Fermi level can be used to obtain a good set of starting orbitals for subsequent complete-active-space or DMRG self-consistent field calculations. This procedure mitigates the need for a localization procedure, followed by a manual selection of the active space. Per multiplicity, the same active space of 28 electrons in 22 orbitals (28e, 22o) is obtained with the 6-31G∗ , cc-pVDZ, and ANO-RCC-VDZP basis sets (the latter with DKH2 scalar relativistic corrections). Our calculations provide new insight into the electronic structure of the quintet.

Open Access version available at UGent repository

Vanadium Metal-Organic Frameworks: Structures and Applications

P. Van der Voort, K. Leus, Y-Y Liu, M. Vandichel, V. Van Speybroeck, M. Waroquier, S. Biswas
New Journal of Chemistry
38, 1853-1867


This perspective review paper describes the V-containing Metal-Organic Framworks that have been developed since the first systematic reports on MOFs almost 15 years ago. These hybrid crystalline materials, containing V(III) or V(IV) as metal nodes show interesting behaviour in oxidation catalysis and gas sorption. A significant amount of papers has appeared on the use of these structures in gas (hydrocarbon, CO2) separation. Promising future research and development of V-MOFs is suggested.

Open Access version available at UGent repository

New Functionalized Metal–Organic Frameworks MIL-47-X (X = −Cl, −Br, −CH3, −CF3, −OH, −OCH3): Synthesis, Characterization, and CO2 Adsorption Properties

S. Biswas, D.E.P. Vanpoucke, T. Verstraelen, M. Vandichel, S. Couck, K. Leus, Y-Y Liu, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck, J.F.M. Denayer, P. Van der Voort
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
117 (44), 22784–22796


Six new functionalized vanadium hydroxo terephthalates [VIII(OH)(BDC-X)]•n(guests) (MIL-47(VIII)-X-AS) (BDC = 1,4-benzenedicarboxylate; X = -Cl; -Br, -CH3, -CF3, -OH, -OCH3; AS = as-synthesized) along with the parent MIL-47 were synthesized under rapid microwave-assisted hydrothermal conditions (170 ºC, 30 min, 150 W). The unreacted H2BDC-X and/or occluded solvent molecules can be removed by thermal activation under vacuum leading to the empty-pore forms of the title compounds (MIL-47(VIV)-X). Except pristine MIL-47 (+III oxidation state), the vanadium atoms in all the evacuated functionalized solids stayed in +IV oxidation state. The phase purity of the compounds was ascertained by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy, Raman, thermogravimetric (TG), and elemental analysis. The structural similarity of the filled and empty-pore forms of the functionalized compounds with the respective forms of parent MIL-47 was verified by cell parameter determination from XRPD data. TGA and temperature-dependent XRPD (TDXRPD) experiments in air atmosphere indicate high thermal stability in the range 330-385 ºC. All the thermally activated compounds exhibit significant microporosity (SLangmuir in the range 418-1104 m2 g-1), as verified by the N2 and CO2 sorption analysis. Among the six functionalized compounds, MIL-47(VIV)-OCH3 shows the highest CO2 uptake, demonstrating the determining role of functional groups on the CO2 sorption behaviour. For this compound and pristine MIL-47(VIV), Widom particle insertion simulations were performed based on ab initio calculated crystal structures. The theoretical Henry coefficients show a good agreement with the experimental values, and calculated isosurfaces for the local excess chemical potential indicate the enhanced CO2 affinity is due to two effects: (i) the interaction between the methoxy group and CO2 and (ii) the collapse of the MIL-47(VIV)-OCH3 framework.

Mn-salen@MIL101(Al) a heterogeneous, enantioselective catalyst using a ‘bottle around the ship’ approach

T. Bogaerts, A. Van Yperen-De Deyne, Y-Y Liu, F. Lynen, V. Van Speybroeck, P. Van der Voort
Chemical Communications
2013 (49), 8021-8023


An enantioselective catalyst, consisting of a chiral Mn(III)salen complex entrapped in the MIL-101 metal organic framework is reported. For the first time, we assemble a robust MOF-cage around a delicate chiral complex, without affecting the structure and stability of this complex. The newly prepared heterogeneous catalyst shows the same enantioselective excess compared to the homogeneous Mn(III)salen complex and is fully recyclable. Theoretical calculations yield insight into the dimensions of the various transition states of the epoxidation reaction.

Bimetallic–Organic Framework as a Zero-Leaching Catalyst in the Aerobic Oxidation of Cyclohexene

Y-Y Liu, K. Leus, T. Bogaerts, K. Hemelsoet, E. Bruneel, V. Van Speybroeck, P. Van der Voort
5 (12), 3657–3664


A gallium 2,2′-bipyridine-5,5′-dicarboxylate metal–organic framework (MOF), denoted as COMOC-4, has been synthesized by solvothermal synthesis. This MOF exhibits the same topology as MOF-253. CuCl2 was incorporated into COMOC-4 by a post-synthetic modification (PSM). The spectroscopic absorption properties of the MOF framework before and after PSM were compared with theoretical data obtained by employing molecular dynamics combined with time-dependent DFT calculations on both the as-synthesized and functionalized linker. The catalytic behavior of the resulting Cu2+@COMOC-4 material was evaluated in the aerobic oxidation of cyclohexene with isobutyraldehyde as a co-oxidant. In addition, the catalytic performance of Cu2+@COMOC-4 was compared with that of the commercially available Cu-BTC (BTC=benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate) MOF. Cu2+@COMOC-4 exhibits a good cyclohexene conversion and an excellent selectivity towards cyclohexene oxide in comparison to the Cu-based reference catalyst. Furthermore, no leaching of the active Cu sites was observed during at least four consecutive runs.

Covalent immobilization of the Jacobsen catalyst on mesoporous phenolic polymer: a highly enantioselective and stable asymmetric epoxidation catalyst

J. De Decker, T. Bogaerts, I. Muylaert, S. Delahaye, F. Lynen, V. Van Speybroeck, A. Verberckmoes, P. Van der Voort
Materials Chemistry and Physics
141 (2013), 967-972


The Jacobsen catalyst, N,N′-bis(3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene)-1,2-cyclohexanediaminomanganese (III) chloride is covalently immobilized on mesoporous phenolic resin through a direct and simple procedure. The immobilization is evident from nitrogen sorption and quantitative XRF measurements. A complex loading of 0.09 mmol g−1 is obtained, corresponding to well dispersed Mn-complexes on the surface of the mesoporous phenolic resin. This novel catalytic system shows good catalytic activity and excellent enantioselectivity in the asymmetric epoxidation of 1,2-dialin. The heterogenized Jacobsen catalyst is demonstrated to be a re-usable and non-leaching catalytic system.

Open Access version available at UGent repository


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