Sam De Waele
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A first-principles reassessment of the Fe-N phase diagram in the low-nitrogen limit , , Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 775, 758-768 , 2019 , IF: 3.779 , 4/75 [Q1]
Precipitation in simultaneously nitrided and aged Mo-containing maraging steel , , Materials Characterization , 131, 21-30 , 2017 , IF: 2.714 , 8/74 [Q1]
Error estimates for density-functional theory predictions of surface energy and work function , , Physical Review B , Vol. 94, Iss. 23 — 15 December 2016 , 2016 , IF: 3.718 , 16/67 [Q1]
(D1) , Predicting Phase Stability in Nitrogen Steels with Density-Functional Theory , , Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Stefaan Cottenier, dr. ir. Lode Duprez, Dr. ir. Kurt Lejaeghere , 17/12/2019
(D2) , Error bar assesment for ab initio prediction of surface properties , , Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Stefaan Cottenier, Prof. Dr. ir. Veronique Van Speybroeck , 2015
A density-functional theory investigation of γ-Fe4N, α''-Fe16N2 and ε-Fe3N1+y precipitates in an Fe-N solid solution , , EUROMAT 2017 , Thessaloniki, Greece , Sun, 17/09/2017 to Fri, 22/09/2017
A density-functional theory investigation of Fe4N and Fe16N2 precipitates in an Fe-N solid solution , , ADIS 2016 , Tegernsee, Germany , Mon, 03/10/2016 to Fri, 07/10/2016
Error estimates for density-functional theory predictions of surface energy and work function , , ADIS 2016 , Tegernsee, Germany , Mon, 03/10/2016 to Fri, 07/10/2016