Dr. Hendrik De Cooman
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Solved? The reductive radiation chemistry of alanine , , Physial Chemistry Chemical Physics , 16(6), 2475-2482 , 2014 , IF: 4.493 , 6/34 [Q1]
Dominant stable radicals in irradiated sucrose: g tensors and contribution to the powder electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum , , Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 117 (24), 7169–7178 , 2013 , IF: 3.377 , 39/136 [Q2]
Room Temperature Radiation Products in Trehalose Single Crystals: EMR and DFT analysis , , Radiation Research , 179 (3), 313-322 , 2013 , IF: 2.445 , 21/83 [Q1]
Structural specificity of alkoxy radical formation in crystalline carbohydrates , , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) , 15(24), 9615-9619 , 2013 , IF: 4.198 , 5/33 [Q1]
Radiation Products at 77 K in Trehalose Single Crystals: EMR and DFT Analysis , , Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 116 (13), 3377-3387 , 2012 , IF: 2.771 , 10/34 [Q2]
Identification of primary free radicals in trehalose dihydrate single crystals X-irradiated at 10 K , , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) , 13, 11294-11302 , 2011 , IF: 3.573 , 5/32 [Q1]
Oxidation and Reduction Products of X Irradiation at 10 K in Sucrose Single Crystals: Radical Identification by EPR, ENDOR, and DFT , , Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 114 (1), 666–674 , 2010 , IF: 3.603 , 32/127 [Q2]
On the identity of the radiation-induced stable alanine radical , , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) , 12, 8733-8736 , 2010 , IF: 3.454 , 5/33 [Q1]
Dosimetric characteristics of different types of saccharides: An EPR and UV spectrometric study , , Radiation Physics and Chemistry , 79 (5), 654-659 , 2010 , IF: 1.132 , 94/127 [Q3]
Early-Stage Evolution of the EPR Spectrum of Crystalline Sucrose at Room Temperature after High-Dose X Irradiation , , Radiation Research , 172 (2), 226-233 , 2009 , IF: 2.948
ENDOR and HYSCORE analysis and DFT-assisted identification of the third major stable radical in sucrose single crystals X-irradiated at room temperature , , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) , 11 (7), 1105-1114 , 2009 , IF: 4.116
Determination of the g Tensors for the Dominant Stable Radicals in X-Irradiated β-d-Fructose Single Crystals , , Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 113 (28), 7994-8000 , 2009 , IF: 2.899
Radiation-Induced Radicals in Glucose-1-phosphate. II. DFT Analysis of Structures and Possible Formation Mechanisms , , Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 112 (47), 15054-15063 , 2008
Temperature study of a glycine radical in the solid state adopting a DFT periodic approach: vibrational analysis and comparison with EPR experiments , , Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 112 (25), 7618-7630 , 2008 , IF: 4.189 , [Q1]
Radiation-Induced Radicals in Glucose-1-phosphate. I. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Analysis of in situ X-Irradiated Single Crystals at 77 K , , Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 112 (47), 15045-15053 , 2008
Identification and Conformational Study of Stable Radiation-Induced Defects in Sucrose Single Crystals using Density Functional Theory Calculations of Electron Magnetic Resonance Parameters , , Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 112 (24), 7298-7307 , 2008
Radiation-induced defects in sucrose single crystals, revisited: A combined electron magnetic resonance and density functional theory study , , Spectrochimica Acta Part A (Mol. & biomol.) , 69 (5), 1372-1383 , 2008
Schonland ambiguity in the electron nuclear double resonance analysis of hyperfine interactions: Principles and practice , , Journal of Magnetic Resonance , 195 (2), 196-205 , 2008
EPR and ENDOR analysis of Fe3+ impurity centers in fluoroelpasolite lattices , , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) , 9 (39), 5320-5329 , 2007
(D1) , A combined EMR and DFT study of radiation-induced effects in surcose and glucose 1-phosphate , , Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Freddy Callens, Prof. Dr. Michel Waroquier , 27/05/2009
DFT and TDDFT studies of deprotonation from oxygen in rhamnose cations , , Quantum Chemistry beyond the Arctic Circle , Sommarøy-Tromsø, Norway , Wed, 23/06/2010 to Sat, 26/06/2010
Electron magnetic resonance study of primary free radicals in trehalose single crystals , , 18th Meeting of the Benelux EPR Society , Brussels (Belgium) , Tue, 01/06/2010
Direct-Effect Radiation Chemistry of Solid-State Carbohydrates Using EMR and DFT (invited talk) , , The 11th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA , Atlanta, Georgia, USA , Sat, 15/05/2010 to Wed, 19/05/2010
Thermally activated reactions of radiation-induced radicals in sugar single crystals: an electron magnetic resonance and DFT study , , 7th European Federation of EPR (EFEPR) Groups Meeting and Closing Meeting of COST P15 , Antwerp, Belgium , Sun, 06/09/2009 to Fri, 11/09/2009
Radiation-induced radical formation in solid state sugars: a review of recent EMR and DFT results (Invited talk) , , 11th International Workshop on Electron Magnetic Resonance Of Disordered Systems (EMARDIS) , Sofia-Boyana, Bulgaria , Thu, 11/06/2009 to Thu, 18/06/2009
ENDOR in field-frequency space: orientation, species and quantum state selection , , 42nd Annual Meeting of the Electron Spin Resonance group of the Royal Society of Chemistry , Norwich, UK , Sun, 19/04/2009 to Thu, 23/04/2009
Identifying radiation-induced radicals and their formation mechanisms in sugars and sugar derivatives using DFT methods , , Symposium DFT in Chile and Flanders , VUB, Brussels , Fri, 28/11/2008
Radicals in Sucrose Single Crystals Induced by X-rays at Different Temperatures: a Combined EPR and DFT Study (1st prize Young Investigator Award, ERR 2008) , , ERR 2008 congres (The 36th annual meeting of the European Radiation Research) , Tours, France , Mon, 01/09/2008 to Thu, 04/09/2008
Field-frequency ENDOR spectroscopy of paramagnetic defects in insulating materials , , 16th International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM) 2008 , Aracaju, Brazil , Sun, 24/08/2008 to Fri, 29/08/2008
Tentative Models for Radiation-Induced Defects in Sucrose Single Crystals at Room Temperature: a Combined EMR and DFT study , , 10th International Workshop on Electron Magnetic Resonance Of Disordered Systems , Sofia, Bulgaria , Thu, 07/06/2007 to Thu, 14/06/2007
Probing interactions between rare-earth ions in a Cs2NaY1-xErxF6 concentration series, a model system for wide-bandgap solids , , E-MRS 2005 Spring Meeting , Strasbourg, France , Tue, 31/05/2005 to Fri, 03/06/2005
Direct-Effect Radiation Chemistry of Solid-State Carbohydrates Using EMR and DFT , , The 11th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA , Atlanta, Georgia, USA , Sat, 15/05/2010 to Wed, 19/05/2010
Which role do excited states play in radiation damage to organic solid-state compounds? , , Quantum Chemistry in Belgium 9th edition , Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium , Tue, 26/01/2010
Electron Magnetic Resonance study of the Structure and Thermal Stability of Radiation-Induced Free Radicals in Trehalose Single Crystals , , 7th European Federation of EPR (EFEPR) Groups Meeting and Closing Meeting of COST P15 , Antwerp, Belgium , Sun, 06/09/2009 to Fri, 11/09/2009
Modeling Radiation-Damage Processes in Organic Solids via DFT Calculations of EMR Parameters , , 13th International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physics (DFT09) , Lyon, France , Mon, 31/08/2009 to Fri, 04/09/2009
Combined Electron Magnetic Resonance and Density Functional Theory Study of Thermally Induced Free Radical Reactions in Fructose and Trehalose Single Crystals , , European conference on the spectroscopy of biological molecules , Palermo, Italy , Fri, 28/08/2009 to Wed, 02/09/2009
Radicals induced in sucrose single crystals by X-irradiation: unravelling radical formation mechanisms using EMR experiments and DFT calculations , , Radiation Chemistry Conference , Waterville Valley, NH, US , Sun, 06/07/2008 to Fri, 11/07/2008
Schonland ambiguity in the determination of A tensors from angular dependence of ENDOR spectra: application to the stable T1 radical in sucrose single crystals , , Benelux EPR 2008 , Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium , Fri, 16/05/2008
Temperature study of a glycine radical in the solid state adopting a DFT periodic approach , , QCB8 , Hasselt, Belgium , Fri, 08/02/2008
How do X-rays damage sugars on the molecular level ? A model study for radiation damage to the DNA sugar units , , Doctoral Symposium , Ghent Univeristy, Faculty of Engineering, Ghent, Belgium , Tue, 24/04/2007
Electron Magnetic Resonance Study of Stable Radicals in X-Irradiated Beta-D-Fructose Single Crystals , , Electron Magnetic Resonance Study of Stable Radicals in X-Irradiated Beta-D-Fructose Single Crystals , Oxford, UK , Sun, 25/03/2007 to Thu, 29/03/2007
Spectroscopic Study of Interactions Between Rare Earth Ions in Er-Doped Cs2NaYF6 , , 2nd Aspect Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy , Kazimierz Dolny, Poland , Thu, 29/09/2005 to Sun, 02/10/2005
ENDOR Analysis of Fe3+ Impurity Centres in Fluoroelpasolite Lattices , , 39th Annual International Meeting of the ESR Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry: Advanced Techniques and Applications of EPR , Edinburgh, Schotland , Sun, 02/04/2006 to Wed, 05/04/2006