Motivated by our frustration with the difficulty of adding new features to existing quantum chemistry programs, we decided to create our own Helpful Open-source Research TOol for N-fermion systems (HORTON). The emphasis here is on the world helpful. HORTON is not intended to be a replacement for existing quantum chemistry software, but a helpful supplement to it. Our ambition is to provide a research tool that is computationally-efficient enough to be helpful, without compromising code-readability and user-friendliness. Our hope is that users will find HORTON helpful for developing and exploring new methods, for interpreting the results of electronic structure calculations, and for interacting with other computational modeling software.
Documentation | http://theochem.github.io/horton
Git repository | https://github.com/theochem/horton
How to cite | [1] T. Verstraelen, P. Tecmer, F. Heidar-Zadeh, C. E. González-Espinoza, M. Chan, T. D. Kim, Katharina Boguslawski, S. Fias, S. Vandenbrande, D. Berrocal, and P. W. Ayers, HORTON 2.1.1, http://theochem.github.com/horton/, (2017).