

On April 10-12, 2024, all researchers working on Metal-organic frameworks were welcomed at the MOFSIM2024 conference in Montpellier.

The MOFSIM2024 workshop aimed to address the current state of the art, limitations, and perspectives on the computational tools applied to metal-organic frameworks with a special emphasis on four main topics:

  1. Data Management and Standardized Data
  2. Electronic Structure Methods and Derived Properties
  3. Reliable Characterization and Modeling of Mesoscale Systems Bridging Length and Time Scales
  4. Numerical Approaches Needed Towards Tailored MOF Systems for Real Applications

During the workshop, computational modelers as well as experimentalists shared their expertise on each of these four topics.

Since the topic of the conference is closely related to our research, the CMM was well represented. Veronique Van Speybroeck was member of the organizing committee and Ruben Goeminne gave a contributed talk on ‘DFT-Quality Adsorption Simulations in Rigid and Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks Enabled by Machine Learning Potentials’. Juul De Vos received a poster prize for his poster on ‘High-throughput screening of covalent organic frameworks for carbon capture’. In addition the following posters were presented:


Honorary doctorate for prof. Weckhuysen on Dies Natalis

Every year on Dies Natalis, Ghent University awards various honorary doctorates. This year, one of the Honorary doctorates was awarded to prof. Bert Weckhuysen from the Utrecht University for his exceptional scientific achievements in the field of in-situ and operando spectroscopy in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. Honorary supervisors are Professors Veronique van Speybroek of the Center for Molecular Modeling and Kevin van Geem of the Laboratory of Chemical Technology both belonging to the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. We are proud on our collaboration with his group, which proves how computational and experimental research is able to push boundaries in our fundamental understanding of processes on a molecular level and can help to develop sustainable chemical processes and future generation catalysts.

Professor Bert Weckhuysen is a leading professor in Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis at Utrecht University. He is considered one of the founders of in-situ spectroscopy of heterogeneous catalysts. His research focuses centrally on the development of structure-activity relationships in the field of heterogeneous catalysis and materials science. This research also plays a major role in the path towards more sustainable chemistry. Professor Weckhuysen is strongly convinced that chemistry is the key to transforming towards a more sustainable society. Professor Weckhuysen's work has been awarded many scientific prizes and distinctions, including the Spinoza Prize, the highest scientific award in the Netherlands.

On March 21st, prof. Weckhuysen gave a public lecture ‘Towards a More Sustainable and Circular Society: Dreams Become Reality with Chemistry and Catalysis’.


Lecture Joe Manning

On Thursday March 14, 2024, dr. Joe Manning from the University of Manchester visited the Center for Molecular Modeling. Aside from the inspiring scientific discussions we had, he also gave a lecture entitled "Digital design of nanomaterial synthesis procedures".

Paper selected within the themed collection ‘Catalysis Science and Technology Most Popular 2023 Articles’

During summer 2023 Pieter Cnudde, Michel Waroquier and Veronique Van Speybroeck published a paper on ‘Universal descriptors for zeolite topology and acidity to predict the stability of butene cracking intermediates’ in Catalysis Science and Technology. This publication has now been selected in a themed collection of the most popular 2023 articles in Catalysis Science and Technology.


Figure taken from Catal. Sci. Technol., 2023,13, 4857-4872

The search for a proper catalyst with an optimal conversion, selectivity and lifetime is a topical research area in the transition toward a more sustainable chemical industry. Universal descriptors for (re)activity can be a powerful tool to predict the behavior of (new) catalyst materials a priori and therefore eliminating the necessity to perform expensive computational simulations or experiments. In this study, we investigated how the pore topology and acidity of zeolites influence the stability of intermediates upon alkene adsorption. We showed that relatively simple descriptors for acidity/topology allow to construct highly reliable linear relationships for determining the carbenium ion stability upon isobutene protonation. Our study highlights that identification of universal descriptors and construction of structure-activity relationships from advanced molecular dynamics simulations has the potential to accurately predict material properties in the field of zeolite catalysis.

For further reading:

Lecture Michael Fischer

On Thursday January 18, 2024, dr. Michael Fischer from the University of Bremen visited the Center for Molecular Modeling. Aside from the inspiring scientific discussions we had, he also gave a lecture entitled "Adsorption of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in zeolites: Insights from atomistic modelling".

Two new PhDs at CMM

In the first half of November 2023 two of our PhD students successfully defended their PhD thesis. Underneath you can read a bit more on the work they did at CMM in the past years.

Congratulations Sander and YingXing!

Sander Borgmans

In-Depth Computational Characterization of the Structure and Dynamics in Covalent Organic Frameworks – Monday November 6, 2023

Supervisors: prof. Veronique Van Speybroeck and prof. Sven Rogge


Throughout history, mankind has demonstrated a remarkable ability to discover, manipulate, and develop materials to address the challenges of their time. Several decades ago, this ingenuity led to the development of nanostructured materials designed with atomic precision. Within this new class of materials, covalent organic frameworks are particularly interesting, endowing an enormous functionality given their internal pore architecture with molecule-sized pores and/or channels. In addition, they are rationally designed through a reticular building block process, allowing them to be tailored toward specific applications. However, this requires a fundamental understanding of their structure, and how this modular structure gives rise to certain properties. The aim of this PhD dissertation is therefore to construct reliable computer models for the structural characterization of covalent organic frameworks and the study of how their structural variations on the nanoscale can have macroscopic consequences. In this way, this research brings theory and experiment closer together, for which various techniques have been developed, or further extended, to enable molecular simulations that can deal with the complexities of these materials at the nanoscale.

YingXing Cheng

Development and Applications of the Frequency-Dependent Polarizable Force Field ACKS2ω – Monday November 13, 2023

Supervisor: prof. Toon Verstraelen


Van der Waals dispersion interactions are weak yet essential attractive forces critical in chemistry and physics, and their accurate representation remains a challenge in density functional theory (DFT). DFT is widely used for its computational efficiency but often fails to capture the full scope of these interactions, particularly type-C non-additive dispersion, which arise from long-range charge fluctuations, such as those in π-π conjugated systems. This limitation has prompted the development of various correction schemes to improve DFT’s performance, though these typically do not fully account for type-C dispersion.

To remedy the shortcomings in current models, this thesis proposes a novel approach leveraging the adiabatic connection fluctuation-dissipation (ACFD) theorem to capture correlation energies, including type-C dispersion interactions. The complexity of ACFD calculations necessitates a more practical solution, prompting the exploration of a frequency-dependent polarizable force-field method. Specifically, this research focuses on extending the atom-condensed Kohn-Sham DFT approximated to second order (ACKS2), creating a new model, ACKS2ω, which aims to efficiently compute long-range correlation energies using frequency-dependent induced charges and dipoles.

psiflow – modular and scalable active learning for interatomic potentials

Recently, we launched psiflow v2.0.0. Psiflow is a modular and scalable library for developing interatomic potentials. It uses Parsl to interface popular trainable interaction potentials with quantum chemistry software, and is designed to support computational workflows on hundreds or thousands of nodes. Psiflow is designed as an end-to-end framework; it can orchestrate all computational components between an initial atomic structure and the final trained potential. Using a variety of active learning approaches, the system's phase space is efficiently explored without requiring ab initio molecular dynamics.

Its features include:

  • active learning algorithms with enhanced sampling using PLUMED
  • Weights & Biases logging for easy monitoring and analysis
  • periodic (CP2K) and nonperiodic (NWChem) systems
  • massively parallel execution on thousands of nodes
  • efficient GPU molecular dynamics using OpenMM
  • supports the latest equivariant potentials such as MACE and NequIP

In addition, psiflow features a modular and concise API in which arbitrarily large workflows can be formulated, which can then be executed on a large number of different execution resources, including clouds (e.g. Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud), clusters (e.g. SLURM, Torque/PBS, HTCondor) and even container orchestration systems (e.g. Kubernetes). Visit the psiflow documentation for more details.

Sven Rogge awarded an ERC Starting Grant STRAINSWITCH

Sven Rogge has been awarded a Starting Grant 'STRAINSWITCH' by the European Research Council (ERC). With this grant, he is poised to establish his research team at the CMM, with a focus on computational materials modelling.

Given enough time, diamonds transform into graphite. Similarly, many materials around us have the intriguing ability to switch between different solid-state phases, thereby changing their macroscopic behavior such as colour, conductivity, and adsorption capacity. While it is straightforward to observe such phase transformations, it remains highly challenging to control under which conditions of temperature, stress, and guest adsorption they take place. In ‘STRAINSWITCH: Strain engineering to design functional 4D polymorphism in nanostructured materials’, Sven and his research team aim to develop computational models that predict how both atomic-level modifications and phase transformations deform the material and, thus, induce strain fields. These strain fields–areas where the material gets stretched or compressed–are key to understanding how atomic-level modifications and phase transformations interact. This could open the door to rationalising nanostructured materials design for sustainable applications in photovoltaic devices or water harvesters, among others.

ERC Starting Grants are designed to fund talented early-career scientists who are ready to work independently and show potential to be a research leader. In their 2023 call, 400 ERC Starting Grants were awarded, including five granted to researchers at Ghent University.

Researchers specialising in developing and applying computational modelling tools for nanostructured materials who wish to be part of Sven’s research team are encouraged to apply through this page.

Summer 2023 = 4 CMM PhDs

During last summer four of our young researchers successfully defended their PhD. Underneath you find an overview of their research topics.

Congratulations Michael, Ruben, Liesbeth and Alexander!

Michael Freitas Gustavo

New tools for high-dimensional, expensive, black-box global optimization functions applied to ReaxFF parameterizations – Thursday June 29th, 2023

Supervisor: prof. Toon Verstraelen


This work is seized with improving methods for solving high-dimensional, expensive, and black-box (HEB) global optimizations; particularly in the context of ReaxFF parameterization. We broadly discuss the fundamental difficulties of such optimizations and the most recent algorithms in literature to tackle them. We illustrate how the parameterization of scientific empirical models is often an example of HEB optimization. Of particular interest for this work is the reactive force field, ReaxFF, which we discuss in the context of computational chemistry more broadly. Finding good parameters for ReaxFF force fields is an underserved but important area of study. As an improvement, we introduce an optimization framework, GloMPO, which uses a novel management and control structure to guide global optimization routines. We demonstrate that this approach, compared to standard optimizers, is able to identify better minima and makes more efficient use of computational resources. Due to its modular structure, GloMPO can be configured in many different ways and offers several qualitative advantages to practitioners. Next, we present a set of sensitivity analysis tools which identify the most important parameters of a ReaxFF loss function. The methods we use are based on the state-of-the-art Hilbert–Schmidt independence criterion (HSIC). The results allow users to identify insensitive parameters, and greatly reduce the dimensionality of the optimization problem. This allows optimizers to identify good parameter values, faster, and with less overfitting than without sensitivity treatment. Both of our toolkits have been fully integrated into publicly available commercial software. They have been shown to improve ReaxFF parameterizations and are also flexible enough to be applied to other HEB problems.

Ruben Goeminne

Development of accurate and reliable methods for in silico modeling of adsorption in nanoporous materials – Monday July 10th, 2023

Supervisor: prof. Toon Verstraelen


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of materials that have in recent decades attracted widespread scientific interest. When it became clear that these MOFs could maintain a permanent porosity and huge internal surface area, they were quickly identified as ideal materials for gas adsorption and separation applications. Most strikingly, applications such as the capture of carbon dioxide from industrial smokestacks or the production of water from desert air can be made possible by these materials. However, the gigantic structural diversity of these materials and their inherent flexibility complicates the experimental characterization of their adsorption properties. Therefore, in this doctoral research, advanced computational techniques were developed to computationally determine the adsorption properties of these materials. This work was approached in two ways. On the one hand, methods were developed to more accurately describe the interaction of adsorbates with these MOFs; both by improving traditional force fields, and employing machine learning techniques trained on highly accurate quantum mechanical calculations. On the other hand, methods were developed to efficiently predict the remarkable flexibility of these MOFs during gas adsorption.

Liesbeth De Bruecker

Spectroscopic Fingerprint of Electronic Excitations in Nanoporous Frameworks and Transition Metal Complexes – Tuesday August 29th, 2023

Supervisor: prof. Veronique Van Speybroeck


Electronic excitations are located in the ultraviolet and visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Using spectroscopy it is possible to study the interactions between electromagnetic waves and matter. However, this experimental technique does not always allow to fully unravel the spectra. To gain more insight, therefore quantum mechanical computational techniques based on density functional theory are used. In this doctoral thesis, the spectroscopic fingerprint of heterogeneous catalysts and transition metal complexes is studied. When looking for environmentally friendly catalysts, the study of electronic excitations can help to find suitable materials for specific applications. The spectroscopic properties of transition metal complexes can provide insight into the nucleation process of nanoporous lattices. This research shows that computer simulations can provide complementary information to experimental work, which ultimately leads to more efficient materials research.

Alexander Hoffman

Unraveling Phase Transformations and Reactivity in Functional Nanostructured Materials Using Computational Vibrational Spectroscopy – Thursday August 31st, 2023

Supervisor: prof. Veronique Van Speybroeck


Realizing sustainable solutions for societal challenges such as energy production, production of chemicals or capturing greenhouse gases requires the development of new materials with adapted functionalities. In that respect, functional nanostructured materials are very interesting, as their material properties, which strongly depend on the structure on an atomic scale, can be tailored to the specific application. Before these new materials can be used in practice, they must first be thoroughly characterized. To this end, a wide range of spectroscopic techniques are available that investigate the structure of materials through their interaction with radiation. The resulting energy spectrum is often complex, which means that the interpretation is not always obvious. To identify the different spectroscopic signals, molecular simulations that make it possible to understand the microscopic structure of the material are often used. In this PhD, such simulations are used to explain vibrational spectra of functional nanostructured materials with the ultimate goal of understanding the origin of phase transformations and chemical reactions.


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