Kevin Hendrickx
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Exploring lanthanide doping in UiO-66: a combined experimental and computational study of the electronic structure , , Inorganic Chemistry , 57, 5463-5474 , 2018 , IF: 4.857 , 4/46 [Q1]
A series of sulfonic acid functionalized mixed-linker DUT-4 analogues: synthesis, gas sorption properties and catalytic performance , , Dalton Transactions , 46, 14356 , 2017 , IF: 4.029 , 7/46 [Q1]
Missing linkers: an alternative pathway to UiO-66 electronic structure engineering , , Chemistry of Materials , 29 (7), 3006–3019 , 2017 , IF: 9.466 , 15/275 [Q1]
Heterogeneous Ru(III) oxidation catalysts via ‘click’ bidentate ligands on a Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica support , , Green Chemistry , 18, 6035–6045 , 2016 , IF: 8.506 , 16/163 [Q1]
Facile synthesis of cooperative acid-base catalysts by clicking cysteine and cysteamine on an ethylene-bridged periodic mesoporous organosilica , , European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry , 2016, 13-14, 2144-2151 , 2016 , IF: 2.942 , 13/65 [Q1]
Systematic study of the chemical and hydrothermal stability of selected "stable" Metal Organic Frameworks , , Microporous and Mesoporous Materials , 226, 110-116 , 2016 , IF: 3.349 , 10/71 [Q1]
Vibrational fingerprint of the absorption properties of UiO-type MOF materials , , Theoretical Chemistry Accounts , 135, 4, 102 , 2016 , IF: 1.806 , 92/144 [Q3]
Understanding Intrinsic Light Absorption Properties of UiO- 66 Frameworks: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study , , Inorganic Chemistry , 54, 22, 10701-10710 , 2015 , IF: 4.820 , 4/46 [Q1]
Non CMM publications (A1)
More insight in multiple bonding with valence bond theory , , Computational and Theoretical Chemistry , 1053, pp. 180-188 , 2015 , 1.368 , 96/136 [Q3]
Multicenter Bonding in Ditetracyanoethylene Dianion: A Simple Aromatic Picture in Terms of Three-Electron Bonds , , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) , 9 (5), 2276–2285 , 2013 , 5.309 , 3/34 [Q1]
(D1) , Understanding photocatalytic activity of MOFs: a combined experimental and theoretical study , , Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Pascal Van Der Voort, Prof. Dr. ir. Veronique Van Speybroeck , 05/02/2018
Invited talk
Towards modeling long-range disorder in MOFs: Development of a computational toolbox to extend the length scale in molecular simulations , , CECAM workshop: Multi-scale modelling of flexible and disordered porous materials , Paris, France , Mon, 11/06/2018 to Wed, 13/06/2018 2016
Invited talk
Orthogonal band gap engineering of UiO-66 frameworks through active control of defects , , EMN Meeting 2016 on Active Matter , Las Vegas, NV, USA , Mon, 10/10/2016 to Fri, 14/10/2016 2017
Missing linkers: an alternative pathway to UiO-66 electronic structure engineering , , EUROMAT 2017 , Thessaloniki, Greece , Sun, 17/09/2017 to Fri, 22/09/2017
Heterogeneous Ru(III) oxidation catalysts via ‘click’ bidentate ligands on a Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica support , , Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, 5th International conference , Lisbon, Portugal , Mon, 06/03/2017 to Fri, 10/03/2017
Understanding Light-Absorption in MOFs: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of UiO-66 Type Frameworks , , 5th International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks & Open Framework Compounds , Long Beach, USA , Sun, 11/09/2016 to Thu, 15/09/2016
Orthogonal band gap engineering in Zr based MOFs , , IAP-WP2 meeting , Zwijnaarde, Belgium , Fri, 17/06/2016
Engineering light-absorption in MOFs: Combined experimental and theoretical study of UiO-66 , , Modeling Photoactive Molecules , Nantes - France , Tue, 21/04/2015 to Fri, 24/04/2015
Engineering light-absorption in functionalized UiO-66 frameworks , , N3C , Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands , Mon, 02/03/2015 to Wed, 04/03/2015
Defect engineering of UiO-66 using 4-sulfobenzoic acid , , Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference , Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands , Mon, 06/03/2017 to Wed, 08/03/2017
Understanding Light-Absorption in MOFs: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of UiO-66 Type Frameworks , , Chemical Research in Flanders (CRF-1) , Blankenberge, Belgium , Mon, 24/10/2016 to Wed, 26/10/2016
Understanding intrinsic light absorption properties of UiO-66 frameworks: A combined theoretical and experimental study , , Annual IAP meeting , Liège, Belgium , Mon, 12/09/2016
Generation of S-containing bidentate ligands on a Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica (PMO) support: heterogenization of Ru(III) as a selective oxidation catalyst in water , , Doctoral Symposium, Faculty of Sciences , Ghent , Thu, 17/03/2016
'Understanding intrinsic light absorption properties of UiO-66 frameworks: A combined theoretical and experimental study , , IAP Annual Meeting , Hasselt, Belgium , Fri, 11/09/2015
Understanding Experiments: the Power of First Principle Simulations of Metal-Organic Frameworks , , IAP Annual meeting , Hasselt, Belgium , Fri, 11/09/2015