P. Bultinck

Fast density matrix-based partitioning of the energy over the atoms in a molecule consistent with the hirshfeld-I partitioning of the electron density

D. Vanfleteren, D. Ghillemijn, D. Van Neck, P. Bultinck, M. Waroquier, P.W. Ayers
Journal of Computational Chemistry
32 (16), 3485–3496


For the Hirshfeld-I atom in the molecule (AIM) model, associated single-atom energies and interaction energies at the Hartree–Fock level are efficiently determined in one-electron Hilbert space. In contrast to most other approaches, the energy terms are fully consistent with the partitioning of the underlying one-electron density matrix (1DM). Starting from the Hirshfeld-I AIM model for the electron density, the molecular 1DM is partitioned with a previously introduced double-atom scheme (Vanfleteren et al., J Chem Phys 2010, 132, 164111). Single-atom density matrices are constructed from the atomic and bond contributions of the double-atom scheme. As the Hartree–Fock energy can be expressed solely in terms of the 1DM, the partitioning of the latter over the AIM naturally leads to a corresponding partitioning of the Hartree–Fock energy. When the size of the molecule or the molecular basis set does not grow too large, the method shows considerable computational advantages compared with other approaches that require cumbersome numerical integration of the molecular energy integrals weighted by atomic weight functions. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem, 2011

Variational determination of the second-order density matrix for the isoelectronic series of beryllium, neon, and silicon

B. Verstichel, H. van Aggelen, D. Van Neck, P.W. Ayers, P. Bultinck
Physical Review A
80 (3), 032508


The isoelectronic series of Be, Ne and Si are investigated using a variational determination of the second-order density matrix. A semidefinite program was developed that exploits all rotational and spin symmetries in the atomic system. We find that the method is capable of describing the strong static electron correlations due to the incipient degeneracy in the hydrogenic spectrum for increasing central charge. Apart from the ground-state energy various other properties are extracted from the variationally determined second-order density matrix. The ionization energy is constructed using the extended Koopmans' theorem. The natural occupations are also studied, as well as the correlated Hartree-Fock-like single particle energies. The exploitation of symmetry allows to study the basis set dependence and results are presented for correlation-consistent polarized valence double, triple and quadruple zeta basis sets.

Open Access version available at UGent repository

Incorrect diatomic dissociation in variational reduced density matrix theory arises from the flawed description of fractionally charged atoms

H. van Aggelen, P. Bultinck, B. Verstichel, D. Van Neck, P.W. Ayers
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP)
11 (27), 5558-5560


The behaviour of diatomic molecules is examined using the variational second-order density matrix method under the P, Q and G conditions. It is found that the method describes the dissociation limit incorrectly, with fractional charges on the well-separated atoms. This can be traced back to the behaviour of the energy versus the number of electrons for the isolated atoms. It is shown that the energies for fractional charges are much too low.

Exact ionization potentials from wavefunction asymptotics: The extended Koopmans’ theorem, revisited

D. Vanfleteren, D. Van Neck, P.W. Ayers, R.C. Morrison, P. Bultinck
Journal of Chemical Physics
130 (19), 194104


A simple explanation is given for the exactness of the extended Koopmans’ theorem, (EKT) for computing the removal energy of any many-electron system to the lowest-energy ground state ion of a given symmetry. In particular, by removing the electron from a “removal orbital” of appropriate symmetry that is concentrated in the asymptotic region, one obtains the exact ionization potential and the exact Dyson orbital for the corresponding state of the ion. It is argued that the EKT is not restricted to many-electron systems but holds for any finite many-body system, provided that the interaction vanishes for increasing interparticle distance. A necessary and sufficient condition for the validity of the EKT for any state (not just the lowest-energy states of a given symmetry) in terms of the third-order reduced density matrix is stated and derived.

Comparison of the Hirshfeld-I and iterated stockholder atoms in molecules schemes

P. Bultinck, D.L. Cooper, D. Van Neck
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP)
11 (18), 3424-3429


Two recently introduced self-consistent Hirshfeld procedures for obtaining atoms in molecules are compared in detail. The Hirshfeld-I scheme introduces self consistency by requiring that the atomic population of the promolecular atom is equal to that of the atom-in-the-molecule. In the iterated stockholder atoms (ISA) approach, self consistency is obtained by requiring that for every value of the radius of a sphere around every nucleus, the average electron density on the surface of this sphere is the same in the promolecular atom and in the atom in the molecule. The relationships between the two schemes are examined, and common backgrounds and differences are discussed. Whereas it can be argued that the Hirshfeld-I approach has a stronger physical background, the ISA scheme avoids having to define what states of the atoms are to be considered when constructing the promolecule.

The Electronegativity Equalization Method I: Parametrization and Validation for Atomic Charge Calculations

P. Bultinck, W. Langenaeker, P. Lahorte, F. De Proft, P. Geerlings, M. Waroquier, J.P. Tollenaere
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
106(34), 7887-7894


The applicability of the electronegativity equalization method (EEM) is investigated for the fast calculation of atomic charges in organic chemistry, with an emphasis on medicinal chemistry. A large training set of molecules was composed, comprising H, C, N, O, and F, covering a wide range of medicinal chemistry. Geometries and atomic charges are calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G* level, and from the calculated charges, effective electronegativity and hardness values are calibrated in a weighted least-squares fashion. The optimized parameter set is compared to other theoretical as well as experimental values and origins of the differences discussed. An approach toward extension of EEM to include new atoms is introduced. The quality of the EEM charges is assessed by comparison with B3LYP/6-31G* charges calculated for a set of medicinal molecules, not contained in the training set. The EEM approach is found to be a very powerful way to obtain ab initio quality charges without the computational cost of the ab initio approach.

Chemical verification of variational second-order density matrix based potential energy surfaces for the N2 isoelectronic series

H. van Aggelen, B. Verstichel, P. Bultinck, D. Van Neck, P.W. Ayers, D.L. Cooper
Journal of Chemical Physics
132, 114112


A variational optimization of the second-order density matrix under the P-, Q-, and G-conditions was carried out for a set of diatomic 14-electron molecules, including N2, O22+, NO+, CO, and CN−. The dissociation of these molecules is studied by analyzing several chemical properties (dipole moments, population analysis, and bond indices) up to the dissociation limit (10 and 20 Å). Serious chemical flaws are observed for the heteronuclear diatomics in the dissociation limit. A careful examination of the chemical properties reveals that the origin of the dissociation problem lies in the flawed description of fractionally occupied species under the P-, Q-, and G-conditions. A novel constraint is introduced that imposes the correct dissociation and enforces size consistency. The effect of this constraint is illustrated with calculations on NO+, CO, CN−, N2, and O22+.

Open Access version available at UGent repository

Subsystem constraints in variational second order density matrix optimization: Curing the dissociative behavior

B. Verstichel, H. van Aggelen, D. Van Neck, P.W. Ayers, P. Bultinck
Journal of Chemical Physics
132, 114113


A previous study of diatomic molecules revealed that variational second-order density matrix theory has serious problems in the dissociation limit when the N-representability is imposed at the level of the usual two-index (P,Q,G) or even three-index (T1,T2) conditions [ H. Van Aggelen et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 5558 (2009) ]. Heteronuclear molecules tend to dissociate into fractionally charged atoms. In this paper we introduce a general class of N-representability conditions, called subsystem constraints, and show that they cure the dissociation problem at little additional computational cost. As a numerical example the singlet potential energy surface of Be B+ is studied. The extension to polyatomic molecules, where more subsystem choices can be identified, is also discussed.

Open Access version available at UGent repository

Partitioning of the molecular density matrix over atoms and bonds

D. Vanfleteren, D. Van Neck, P. Bultinck, P.W. Ayers, M. Waroquier
Journal of Chemical Physics
132, 164111


A double-index atomic partitioning of the molecular first-order density matrix is proposed. Contributions diagonal in the atomic indices correspond to atomic density matrices, whereas off-diagonal contributions carry information about the bonds. The resulting matrices have good localization properties, in contrast to single-index atomic partitioning schemes of the molecular density matrix. It is shown that the electron density assigned to individual atoms, when derived from the density matrix partitioning, can be made consistent with well-known partitions of the electron density over atom in the molecule basins, either with sharp or with fuzzy boundaries. The method is applied to a test set of about 50 molecules, representative for various types of chemical binding. A close correlation is observed between the trace of the bond matrices and the shared electron density index.

Communication: Hilbert-space partitioning of the molecular one-electron density matrix with orthogonal projectors

D. Vanfleteren, D. Van Neck, P. Bultinck, P.W. Ayers, M. Waroquier
Journal of Chemical Physics
133, 231103


A double-atom partitioning of the molecular one-electron density matrix is used to describe atoms and bonds. All calculations are performed in Hilbert space. The concept of atomic weight functions (familiar from Hirshfeld analysis of the electron density) is extended to atomic weight matrices. These are constructed to be orthogonal projection operators on atomic subspaces, which has significant advantages in the interpretation of the bond contributions. In close analogy to the iterative Hirshfeld procedure, self-consistency is built in at the level of atomic charges and occupancies. The method is applied to a test set of about 67 molecules, representing various types of chemical binding. A close correlation is observed between the atomic charges and the Hirshfeld-I atomic charges.

Open Access version available at UGent repository


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