On August 13, 2018, professor Veronique Van Speybroeck (Center for Molecular Modeling, faculty of Engineering and Architecture) was nominated as a ChemPubSoc Europe Fellow, the highest distinction awarded by ChemPubSoc Europe. She received this award in recognition of her extraordinary support and contributions to the development of ChemPubSoc Europe and the development of chemistry in Europe.
Professor Veronique Van Speybroeck founded the Center for Molecular Modeling, an interfacultary research group that has grown to a team of about 40 researchers under her leadership. This multidisciplinary group is active in various branches of physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science. Together with her team, she pioneered the computational modeling of nanoporous materials, for which she was awarded the prestigious ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants.
The associated press release can be consulted here: ChemPubSoc Europe Fellows.