
ir. Kristof De Wispelaere has been rewarded with the Solvay Prize

Ir. Kristof De Wispelaere has been rewarded with the Solvay Prize for his Master Thesis ‘Ab initio studie naar de deactivering van zeoliet- en zeotypekatalysoren in het MTO proces’, supervised by Prof. Van Speybroeck and Prof. Waroquier. Within this thesis, structure-activity relations have been investigated for various hydrocarbon pool species relevant for the Methanol to Olefin process.

14th edition of ICTAC (International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Catalysis) , 26 June - 30 June 2012, Vlissingen, The Netherlands

The CMM is co-organiser of ICTAC-14 together with TUEindhoven. Chair is Prof. R. van Santen and vice-chair Prof. M. Waroquier. Prof. V. Van Speybroeck is member of the Organizing Committee. CMM-postdocs Dr. Toon Verstraelen, Dr. Karen Hemelsoet and Dr. An Ghysels form part of the Local Organizing Committee.

Scope // The prediction of catalytic reactivity

The ICTAC-14 is part of a biannual series of conferences that focuses on Theoretical Aspects of Heterogeneous Catalysis. This conference is an important platform to discuss the state of the art and progress in the field of computational catalysis.

With the current advances in computational capabilities, it has now become possible to realistically model the relation between the structure/composition of the active site of the catalyst and catalytic performance. For this reason the use of computational techniques has become indispensable to study mechanistic aspects of heterogeneous catalysis. Computational studies have provided a large amount of new data which are of great interest to the science and use of molecular heterogeneous catalysis.

Based on the data obtained from quantum-chemical studies on reaction intermediates and corresponding transition states, the mechanism of several important heterogeneous reactions can be unraveled and related to the active state of the catalyst surface. New technological challenges as the need for renewable energy create many new opportunities for the investigation of novel catalytic systems.
Structure and particle size dependence , the effect of microporous structure and structural reorganization are important catalyst parameters that are becoming also accessible to computation . Multiscale approaches that enable to couple reaction kinetics with adsorption and diffusion have to be further developed.

Recently clear evidences are given that the dynamical changes in the catalyst surface or particle structural changes are important. Other physical effects such as the rate of energy transfer or the coupling between reaction kinetics, adsorption and diffusion need to be accounted for. Overall the catalytic behavior is very challenging and complex to model but on the other hand new theoretical techniques enable to account for each of these effects.

With the increasing predictability of catalytic simulations, theory becomes able to predict the most optimal catalyst for a certain catalytic process. Modeling can also assist in understanding the synthesis processes of the materials. It is evident that the field of computational modeling on heterogeneous catalysis is very complex and challenging. There are many opportunities for new method development, and their proper applications and such aspects will be highlighted during this symposium.

Ample opportunity will be provided to exchange ideas on above mentioned topics through a number of plenary, invited and contributed oral contributions. In addition two evening sessions are completely devoted to poster sessions, to stimulate discussions in an informal manner.

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Veronique Van Speybroeck has received an ERC starting grant

Veronique Van Speybroeck has received an ERC starting grant (Call ERC-2009-StG) on a subject on first principle chemical kinetics in nanoporous materials (KINPOR) (09/2009)

This project is inspired by the quest to design an optimal catalyst for a given process. Nowadays this is more an art than a science. The need for accurate rate constants is crucial to fulfil this task. Molecular modelling has become a ubiquitous tool in many fields of science and engineering, but still the calculation of reaction rates in nanoporous materials is hardly performed due to major methodological bottlenecks.

With this ERC grant Veronique Van Speybroeck will work with a team of researchers on accurate prediction of chemical kinetics of catalytic reactions taking place in nanoporous materials from first principles. Two industrially important nanoporous materials will be considered: zeotype materials including the standard alumino-silicates but also related alumino-phosphates and the fairly new Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs). This class of materials in which organic and inorganic moieties are linked, have astonished the zeolite community by their giant pores and huge surface area. The Center for Molecular Modeling (CMM) will provide a solid platform for undertaking the proposed research program.

Potential researchers who have already made a substantial contribution in the field of nanoporous materials and who are interested in participating in the construction and consolidation of this platform, can contact Veronique Van Speybroeck (

Article An Ghysels selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research

'Normal modes for large molecules with arbitrary link constraints in the mobile block Hessian approach', by An Ghysels, Dimitri Van Neck, Bernard R. Brooks, Veronique Van Speybroeck and Michel Waroquier, published in The Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 084107 (2009), has been selected for the March 1, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research. The Virtual Journal, which is published by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics in cooperation with numerous other societies and publishers, is an edited compilation of links to articles from participating publishers, covering a focused area of frontier research.

CMM member Hendrik De Cooman won the Young Investigator Award

(1st prize) for his talk 'Radicals in Sucrose Single Crystals Induced by X-rays at Different Temperatures: a Combined EPR and DFT Study' at the ERR 2008 congres (The 36th annual meeting of the European Radiation Research Society, 1-4 September, Tours, France).


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