Dr. Yves Dewulf
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Discrete approach to self-consistent GW calculations in an electron gas , , Physical Review B , 71 (24),245122 , 2005 , IF: 3.185
Nuclear symmetry energy and the neutron skin in neutron-rich nuclei , , Physical Review C , 68(6), 064307 , 2003 , IF: 2.708
Saturation of Nuclear Matter and Short-Range Correlations , , Physical Review Letters , 90 (15), 152501 , 2003 , IF: 7.035
Effects of self-consistency in a Green’s function description of saturation in nuclear matter , , Physical Review C , 65(5), 054316 , 2002
Improved lower bounds for the ground-state energy of many-body systems , , Physical Review A , 63, 062107 , 2001
Short-range correlations in muclear matter using Green's functions within a discrete pole approximation , , Physics Letters B , 510 (1-4), 89-97 , 2001
Non CMM publications (A1)
Nuclear overlap functions determined by the asymptotic behavior of the one-body density matrix , , Physical Review C , 56 (3), 1398-1409 , 1997
Long-range correlations in finite nuclei: comparison of two self-consistent treatments , , Physics Letters B , 396, 7-14 , 1997
A2 publications
Nuclear equation of state and the structure of neutron stars , , Nato Science series: Superdense QCD Matter and Compact Stars , 20 (1), 1742-6588 | ISSN 1742-6588 (Print) ISSN 1742-6596 (Online) , 2006
(D1) , Self-consistent Green's functions approach to short range correlations in nuclear matter , , Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Michel Waroquier, Prof. Dr. Dimitri Van Neck , 31/08/2000
Discrete Green's functions approach to saturation in nuclear matter , , ECT-meeting 'Short- and long-range contributions to nuclear binding and saturation' , Trento, Italy , Mon, 02/06/2003 to Sat, 07/06/2003