Dr. Karel Peirs

A1 Publications



Algorithm to derive exact exchange-correlation potentials from correlated densities in atoms , K. Peirs, D. Van Neck, M. Waroquier , Physical Review A , 67 (1), 012505 , 2003 , IF: 2.589
Self-consistent solution of Dyson's equation up to second order for closed- and open-shell atomic systems , K. Peirs, D. Van Neck, M. Waroquier , International Journal of Quantum Chemistry , 91 (2), 113-118 , 2003 , IF: 1.171


Self-consistent solution of Dyson's equation up to second order for closed- and open-shell atomic systems , K. Peirs, D. Van Neck, M. Waroquier , Journal of Chemical Physics , 117(9), 4095-4105 , 2002
Maximum occupation number for composite boson states , S. Rombouts, D. Van Neck, K. Peirs, L. Pollet , Modern Physics Letters A (MPLA) , 17 (29), 1899-1907 , 2002


Self-consistent solution of Dyson’s equation up to second order for atomic systems , D. Van Neck, K. Peirs, M. Waroquier , Journal of Chemical Physics , 115 (1), 15-25 , 2001
v-representability of one-body density matrices , D. Van Neck, M. Waroquier, K. Peirs, V. Van Speybroeck , Physical Review A , 64 (4), 042512 , 2001 , IF: 2.810

Other Publications


(D1) , Ab initio study of Density-Functional Theory from the perspective of the Green's function formalism , K. Peirs , Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Michel Waroquier , 02/12/2002

Keynote / Plenary / Invited talks



Microscopic Study of exchange-correlation functionals in DFT by using Green's function perturbation techniques , K. Peirs, D. Van Neck, M. Waroquier , 223rd ACS National Meeting , Orlando, Florida, US , Sun, 07/04/2002 to Thu, 11/04/2002


Self-consistent solution of Dyson's equation up to second order for atomic systems , K. Peirs , Contact Forum WOG-Density Functional Theory , Leuven, Belgium , Mon, 17/09/2001
Self-consistent solution of Dyson's equation up to second order for atomic systems , K. Peirs , Summer School on Density Functional Theory , Caramulo, Portugal , Tue, 28/08/2001 to Sat, 01/09/2001

