Dr. Jelena Đurđević
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Non CMM publications (A1)
Cyclic conjugation in mono- and dicyclopenta-derivatives of anthracene and phenanthrene , , Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A , 47 (6), 803-807 , 2013
Anomalous cyclic conjugation in benzenoid molecules with a small number of Kekule structures , , Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A , 44 (9), 1751-1755 , 2013
Anomalous cyclic conjugation in the perylene/bisanthrene homologous series , , Montashefte für Chemie , 143 (2), 1649-1653 , 2012
Verifying the modes of cyclic conjugation in tetrabenzo[bc,ef,op,rs]circumanthracene , , Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society , 77 (10), 1401-1408 , 2012
On induced current density in the perylene/bisanthrene homologous series , , Chemical Physics Letters , 552, 151-155 , 2012
Local aromaticity of the five-membered rings in acenaphthylene derivatives , , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) , 14 (40), 14097-14078 , 2012
Cyclic conjugation in benzo- and benzocyclobutadieno-annelated terrylenes and higher rylenes , , Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society , 77 (6), 751-759 , 2012
Phenyl-Cyclopentadienyl Rule , , Macedonian Jounral of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , 31 (1), 1-15 , 2012
Bond additive modeling 10. Upper and lower bounds of bond incident degree indices of catacondensed fluoranthenes , , Chemical Physics Letters , 515 (1-3), 186-189 , 2011
Triplet fluoranthenes: Aromaticity versus unpaired electrons , , Journal of Molecular Modeling , 17 (4), 805-810 , 2011
Local Aromaticity in Benzo- and Benzocyclobutadieno-Annelated Phenanthrenes , , Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds , 31 (5), 339-349 , 2011
Cycles in Dicyclopenta-Derivatives of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons , , Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry , 65 (3), 785-798 , 2011
On pi-electron configuration of cyclopenta-derivatives of benzenoid hydrocarbons , , Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A , 49 (7), 853-860 , 2010
Correlations between Local Aromaticity Indices of Bipartite Conjugated Hydrocarbons , , Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 114 (18), 5870-5877 , 2010
On the number of Kekule structures of fluoranthene congeners , , Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society , 75 (8), 1093-1098 , 2010
Cyclic conjugation in fluoranthene and its benzo-derivatives. Part 1. Catacondensed systems , , Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds , 29 (2), 90-102 , 2009
On pi-electron conjugation in the five-membered ring of fluoranthene-type benzenoid hydrocarbons , , Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society , 74 (7), 765-771 , 2009
A Regularity for Cyclic Conjugation in Acenaphyhylene, Fluoranthene and their Congeners , , Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds , 29 (1), 3-11 , 2009
Verifying the PCP-rule by five-center bond indices , , Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society , 74 (5), 549-554 , 2009
Energetic properties of fluoranthenes , , Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A , 48 (2), 194-197 , 2009
Partitioning of pi-electrons in rings of diaza-derivatives of acenes , , Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society , 73 (5), 547-554 , 2008
Fluoranthene and its congeners - A graph theoretical study , , Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry , 60 (2), 659-670 , 2008
The Hall rule in fluoranthene-type benzenoid hydrocarbons , , Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society , 73 (10), 989-995 , 2008
A difference between the pi-electron properties of catafusenes and perifusenes , , Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds , 26 (3), 197-206 , 2007
On the cycle-dependence of topological resonance energy , , Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCIM) , 47 (3), 776-781 , 2007
Computational insight into the polymerization of conjugated electroluminescent polymer PPV: Diradical character of monomers and dimers , , 250th ACS National Meeting & Exposition - Division of Catalysis Science and Technology (CATL) , Boston, MA, USA , Sun, 16/08/2015 to Thu, 20/08/2015
Kinetic and Mechanistic Study on the radical PPV polymerization via the Gilch route including diradical character of different monomers and dimers , , Annual IAP Meeting , Ghent, Belgium , Wed, 18/09/2013
PPV Polymerization via the Gilch Route: Effect of Diradical Character of Monomers and Dimers , , Promoting Female excellence in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry II , Oslo, Norway , Fri, 13/06/2014 to Mon, 16/06/2014
DFT insight into the polymerization mechanism of conjugated electroluminescent polymer PPV , , Structure-property relationships of molecular precursors to organic electronics , Lausanne, Switzerland , Tue, 22/10/2013 to Fri, 25/10/2013