Annelies Horré
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Theoretical Insights on Methylbenzene Side-Chain Growth in ZSM-5 Zeolites for Methanol-to-Olefin Conversion , , Chemistry - A European Journal , 15 (41), 10803–10808 , 2009 , IF: 5.302 , 16/137 [Q1]
(D2) , Theorectical study of elementary steps for the MTO process / Theoretische studie van elementaire reactiestappen in het MTO process , , Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. ir. Veronique Van Speybroeck, Prof. Dr. Guy B. Marin , 2007
From gem-methylation to olefin elimination in the MTO process , , VIIIth Netherlands' Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC VIII) , Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands , Mon, 05/03/2007 to Wed, 07/03/2007