P. Geerlings

Validation of DFT-Based Methods for Predicting Qualitative Thermochemistry of Large Polyaromatics

K. Hemelsoet, F. De Vleeschouwer, V. Van Speybroeck, F. De Proft, P. Geerlings, M. Waroquier
12(6), 1100-1108


We present a validation of computationally efficient density functional-based methods for the reproduction of relative bond dissociation energies of large polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Through the calculation of intrinsic radical stabilities and the computation of spin densities, the extent of delocalization of the unpaired electron in the benzylic radicals is examined. We focus on the influence of the level of theory choice applied for the geometry optimization and the role of van der Waals corrections on thermochemical properties. The dispersion effects mainly influence the energetics, causing a small upward shift of the bond dissociation energies. The long-range corrected CAM-B3LYP functional does not improve the traditional B3LYP results for the geometry description of the large delocalized radicals, however a non-negligible influence was encountered when applied for the energetics. It is reported that the f polarization functions present in the 6-311+G(3df,2p) basis set lead to an erroneous trend when combined with the B2PLYP functional for the computation of the single point energies.

Assessment of atomic charge models for gas-phase computations on polypeptides

T. Verstraelen, E. Pauwels, F. De Proft, V. Van Speybroeck, P. Geerlings, M. Waroquier
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC)
8 (2), 661-676


The concept of the atomic charge is extensively used to model the electrostatic properties of proteins. Atomic charges are not only the basis for the electrostatic energy term in biomolecular force fields but are also derived from quantum mechanical computations on protein fragments to get more insight into their electronic structure. Unfortunately there are many atomic charge schemes which lead to significantly different results, and it is not trivial to determine which scheme is most suitable for biomolecular studies. Therefore, we present an extensive methodological benchmark using a selection of atomic charge schemes [Mulliken, natural, restrained electrostatic potential, Hirshfeld-I, electronegativity equalization method (EEM), and split-charge equilibration (SQE)] applied to two sets of penta-alanine conformers. Our analysis clearly shows that Hirshfeld-I charges offer the best compromise between transferability (robustness with respect to conformational changes) and the ability to reproduce electrostatic properties of the penta-alanine. The benchmark also considers two charge equilibration models (EEM and SQE), which both clearly fail to describe the locally charged moieties in the zwitterionic form of penta-alanine. This issue is analyzed in detail because charge equilibration models are computationally much more attractive than the Hirshfeld-I scheme. Based on the latter analysis, a straightforward extension of the SQE model is proposed, SQE+Q0, that is suitable to describe biological systems bearing many locally charged functional groups.

Open Access version available at UGent repository

Reactivity of Activated versus Nonactivated 2-(Bromomethyl)aziridines with respect to Sodium Methoxide: a Combined Computational and Experimental Study

H. Goossens, K. Vervisch, S. Catak, S. Stankovic, M. D'Hooghe, F. De Proft, P. Geerlings, N. De Kimpe, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Organic Chemistry
76 (21), 8698-8709


The difference in reactivity between the activated 2-bromomethyl-1-tosylaziridine and the non-activated 1-benzyl-2-(bromomethyl)aziridine with respect to sodium methoxide was analyzed by means of DFT calculations within the supermolecule approach, taking into account explicit solvent molecules. In addition, the reactivity of epibromohydrin with regard to sodium methoxide was assessed as well. The barriers for direct displacement of bromide by methoxide in methanol are comparable for all three heterocyclic species under study. However, ring opening was found to be only feasible for the epoxide and the activated aziridine, and not for the non-activated aziridine. According to these computational analyses, the synthesis of chiral 2-substituted 1-tosylaziridines can take place with inversion (through ring opening/ring closure) or retention (through direct bromide displacement) of configuration upon treatment of the corresponding 2-(bromomethyl)aziridines with one equivalent of a nucleophile, whereas chiral 2-substituted 1-benzylaziridines are selectively obtained with retention of configuration (via direct bromide displacement). Furthermore, the computational results showed that explicit accounting for solvent molecules is required to describe the free energy profile correctly. To verify the computational findings experimentally, chiral 1-benzyl-2-(bromomethyl)aziridines and 2-bromomethyl-1-tosylaziridines were treated with sodium methoxide in methanol. The presented work concerning the reactivity of 2-bromomethyl-1-tosylaziridine stands in contrast to the behaviour of the corresponding 1-tosyl-2-(tosyloxymethyl)aziridine with respect to nucleophiles, which undergoes a clean ring-opening/ring-closure process with inversion of configuration at the asymmetric aziridine carbon atom.

Reactivity of Aziridinium Salts in Different Solvents Unraveled by a Combined Theoretical and Experimental Approach

The series Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry presents critical reviews on present and future trends in the research of heterocyclic compounds. Overall the scope is to cover topics dealing with all areas within heterocyclic chemistry, both experimental and theoretical, of interest to the general heterocyclic chemistry community. The series consists of topic related volumes edited by renowned editors with contributions of experts in the field.
Content Level » Research


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